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After lunch everyone parted ways to go upstairs to unpack their stuff. "I'm gonna nap...for a month!" Alex groaned as she walked upstairs with Maggie. In Kara's room Lena's stuff has gone to the wayside. She's too wrapped up in Kara's lips to care about unpacking or napping. Kara's laid back against her bed with the raven haired girl on top of her in a full make out session. "Mmm! I've missed this!" Lena lets out a moan as they continue kissing.

This went on for another few minutes before they finally parted from each other. Lena is now curled up against Kara's chest drawing circles absentmindedly on the blondes abs. "This is nice..." Kara whispers. "Mmm yes it is..." Lena replies. Soon Lena falls asleep in Kara's strong arms while Kara gently runs her hands in her hair. Back in Alex's room she and Maggie are both sound asleep both exhausted from both the drive and their exams.

Kara slowly and carefully moves herself from underneath Lena and using her super powers she puts all the clothes in the bags in closet and drawers before returning to being Lena's pillow. They stay like this for another two hours before Lena begins to wake up. "Mmm...I'm definitely gonna get used to this for the next few months and then some." Lena whispers as she looks up at Kara through sleep filled eyes. "I already told you Lee, I'm yours for however long you'll have me." Kara response causes Lena to smile up at her. "So forever and  then!" Lena states.

Slowly they sit up in the bed and Lena realizes that her suitcases are empty. "You put my stuff away?" Lena asked with a shocked look on her face. "Yes. Super speed and all." Kara replies with a grin. "You aren't gonna use your super speed for other things are you?" Lena asks with a pout. "Oh...no....never for that..." Kara replies with a smirk. "What would you like to do now?" Lena asks. "I'm ok doing whatever you'd like to do Lee! Although in a few hours I'll have to go to school for Senior Project Night. So I'll have to shower and change later." Kara explained.

"Well how about we go for a walk then and let Alex and Maggie relax." Lena suggests. "Sounds good to me!" Kara replies as they head back downstairs letting Eliza know they'll be out on a walk. The two of them walk through the woods on the trail that leads to the lake near the house. That's where they stay till it's time for dinner.

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