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Sleeping bags were unrolled in the living room and everyone began settling in as they ate the pizza that soon arrived. "Ok girls! Please behave yourselves tonight! I'm gonna go to bed so enjoy the movies, and the pizza! Winn, go home after the pizzas gone." Eliza stated with a smile. "Yes Mrs. D!" Winn called back as he sat on the floor eating his pepperoni pizza. "So? What shall we watch first?" Maggie asked. Everyone shouted out names however it was Kara's movie suggestion that got the go ahead. "Harry Potter it is!" Maggie exclaimed as she popped the dvd in the player.

Kara cuddled up against Lena as they ate their food and watched the movie. "You ok Kar?" Lena asked. "Yes, I just wish I had more pizza..." Kara replied softly. "Lemme get you another box then darling." Lena said as she got up from the sofa and wandered into the kitchen to grab a full pizza box. Sam saw this and followed after her. "You don't deserve her!" Sam sneered. "Excuse me?" Lena questioned. "She can do better than you! I made her happy! You're just a rebound bitch!" Sam yelled loud enough to have everyone hear her.

Hearing the yelling Kara ran into the kitchen and stood between Lena and Sam. "Leave! Now!" Kara yelled out. "You heard her Leave Sam!" Alex added. "No! I'm staying! If I go Lacey will go too and so will everybody else!" Sam yelled. Now everyone else was gathered around the kitchen. "We're staying here! We like Lena and Kara together. We're not going home till tomorrow." Someone called out from the crowd. "Fine! I'll go! But I'll see you a the freshman mixer! Your girlfriend won't be allowed there!" Sam growled. "Wanna bet? We've been asked to host it!" Alex stated as she grabbed Sam by the arm and dragged her outside before shutting and locking the door.

"Back to the movie now that the muggle is gone!" Someone exclaimed happily as everyone returned to the living room. "You ok?" Kara asked looking at Lena. "Yes, I am, let's go back to the movie darling." Lena replied as she held the pizza box in her hands. They returned to the sofa and cuddled up on it as they continued eating their pizza. "I love you." Kara whispered. "I love you too Kar." Lena replied with a smile.

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