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After showering and borrowing a warm hoodie from Kara, Lena and Kara came down the stairs and joined everyone in the suv as they headed to the tree farm. Seated in the backseat side by side with Maggie on the passenger side door the couple kept giggling at each other. "I may just keep this hoodie now." Lena said as she looked at the blonde. "Oh really now? But that's my favorite one!" Kara exclaimed. "Ooops! Too bad Kara, you lost it now. I plan on packing in my suitcase before going back to school." Lena replied.

Kara let out a huff and rolled her eyes at her girlfriend who only laughed. "You can get it back next fall when you join us at Columbia." Lena said as she took Kara's hand and moved her thumb in slow circles. "No...you can keep it. Cause I know once I move in with you all you'll be stealing my other ones too. May as well get used to it right?" Kara asked looking into the green eyes of her girlfriend. "You're right dear, you may as well get used to it." Lena said softly before kissing Kara's cheek.

A few minutes later they were pulling into the tree farm. "Ok everyone out! Let's go find ourselves a Christmas tree." Eliza stated as they exited the suv. "Welcome to O'Neals's tree farm! Do you want to buy one off the lot or go find your own?" An old man asked. "We're gonna go find one ourselves, thank you!" Eliza stated as she began walking down the path that lead through the wooded area.

They walked for a long while before splitting up to find a tree, Lena and Kara went one way down the path and the rest went down the opposite way. "Need a little alone time do we Kara?" Lena asked smiling at the blonde. "Yes, especially after this morning's incident! I wanted to curl up and die then!" Kara exclaimed. "It wasn't that bad darling, and I"ms sure next year it'll be much the same, I'll just have to put a lock on my bedroom door." Lena stated as they strolled hand in hand through the trees.

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