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Later that night Kara was in her room finishing her homework when Lena walked in. "Oh, am I interrupting you?" Lena asked. "Oh no, I'm almost finished." Kara replied. "What are you working on now?" Lena asked as she sat on the bed. "Science. I have to finish this report on cell division." Kara explained. "Oh? Would you like some help? I'm majoring in science myself." Lena explained. "Oh...ok. This is where I'm stuck." Kara stated pointing to her laptop. "Oh that's easy." Lena went on to explain the issue to Kara who quickly made notes before putting it into her paper. "Thanks. I would have been here for another hour or so on my own." Kara replied.

"It's my pleasure." Lena replied. "Hey guys! We're off to bed. Did you get your paper finished Valedictorian?" Alex asked. "Yea, Lena helped me." Kara replied. "Valedictorian? You know that already?" Lena asked. "Yea, they made the announcement last week." Kara replied. Lena was stunned. 'She's beautiful, smart, athletic, and gay! And she's going to Columbia next year! Ok Luthor, you need to make a move during this break.' Lena thought to herself as Kara printed off her report and put it into her bag.

"Well, that's finished and ready for Mr. Jones tomorrow." Kara said pulling Lena from her thoughts. "Good. If you'll excuse me I'm gonna go get ready for bed now." Lena said as she grabbed some pajamas and headed to the bathroom. Kara shut her laptop down and pulled her tank top and shorts off leaving herself in the bra and boxer shorts. She was sitting in bed reading when Lena came back out. Kara looked up to see Lena walking over wearing a baggy Tshirt and panties. The sight caused Kara's breath to hitch in her throat.

Swallowing hard she put her book down and averted her eyes to her hands. "You ok Kara?" Lena's voice sounded velvety now. "Yea." Kara replied softly as she felt the bed move as Lena got into bed. "What are you doing tomorrow in school?" Lena asked trying to make conversation. "I'm working on my senior project during my free period, then the rest of the time I'll be in classes starting with science and ending with English Literature. Then it's home, and homework. Friday night is our sports banquet, then it's the game Saturday and that's it for school till after the holidays." Kara explained while yawning. "Oh wow! Will there be a party for after the championship game?" Lena asked. "Yea, I won't go though. No one to go with." Kara explained.

Lena took in her words and thought for a minute before responding. "Well, I can go with you if you want. Maggie and Alex plan on going out that night after the game anyways." Lena replied. "Really? You'd come to a high school party with me?" Kara asked. "Yea. I didn't go to parties when I was in high school. My adoptive parent's didn't like parties." Lena explained. "Your adopted too?" Kara asked. "Yea, although they've all died now, including my adoptive brother. They were in a plane accident right before I got to college." Lena replied. "Oh, I'm so sorry Lena." Kara stated pulling her into a hug.

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