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The ride to town was short and before they knew it they were at the only mall in Midvale. The women got out and separated and headed into the mall. "We'll meet back at the food court when we're done." Eliza stated. Everyone nodded. "Come on Lee...let's go this way." Kara said dragging her girlfriend away from the group. "Who are we buying for now?" Lena asked. "Everyone who isn't us. We need to do our gifts for each other separately." Kara replied with a smile. "What would you like for Christmas?" Lena asked. "Hmm surprise me like last year." Kara replied.

"What are you thinking about getting  everyone?" Alex asked. "I'm not sure what everyone likes." Andrea replied. "Well Kara and Lena are pretty easy. They both like hoodies, books, Kara plays sports so anting like that would work. Lena likes anything really she's not picky. And mom loves whatever anyone gets her." Alex explained. "And what do you like?" Andrea asked. "I like whatever really. Just surprise me." Alex replied with a smile.

Eliza was off in a clothing store buying hoodies for the four girls when she looked up and saw an all too familiar face walking her way. Maggie was walking her way with some things in her hands. "Hey Mrs. Danvers!" Maggie greeted. "Hello Maggie! You can still call me Eliza if you want." Eliza replied. Maggie nodded. "Did they make it home ok?" Maggie asked. "Yes, they're actually here with me shopping for everyone." Eliza replied. "Oh...well I'm almost done so I'll just get going. Have a good Christmas Eliza." Maggie replied as she quipped hurried away.

Eliza sighed as she watched Maggie all but run away. She knew why she and Alex broke up, but she still couldn't help but feel bad for Maggie. Shaking her head she continued looking at the hoodies. She always got ones that were bigger than what the girls needed since they loved them loose fitting. "Knowing Lena she'll steal Kara's anyways.." Eliza said to herself laughing.

Lena and Kara were looking for gifts for Eliza when Kara saw Maggie walking out of the mall. "There's Maggie...I wonder if she saw Alex and Andrea?" Kara asked. "Probably not. She looks like shes in a hurry, if she saw them she probably didn't say anything and just hurried to pay for whatever shes got and left." Lena replied. They continued shopping and forgot all about seeing Maggie.

Alex and Andrea were looking in a sporting goods store for something they could get for Kara. "What sports does she play?" Andrea asked. "Basketball, Soccer, Softball. So anything will make her happy. Really Andrea she's not hard to please." Alex said reassuring her...girlfriend? 'What are we? Are we dating? Are we just friends with benefits?' Alex asked herself as they continued shopping together.

Maggie made it back to her car before letting the tears fall from her eyes. She did see Alex holding hands with Andrea as they walked the mall. Granted she was on the opposite side of the building, but seeing them together still hurt. Maggie began blaming herself for breaking up with Alex. Sure she didn't want kids now...but that didn't mean she wouldn't change her mind in the future after college and stuff...however she got mad at Alex too quickly and left.

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