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Over the next few weeks of the summer everyone was busy helping Kara get everything she'd need for college. Not that she'd need a lot, just a backpack and some notebooks and things like that. She wouldn't need anything for her dorm since she won't be living in a dorm. Nope she'll be staying with her girlfriend, sister and her girlfriend. "So thats everything." Kara said as they left the store. "Yea, everything you'll need." Lena replied. "I can't believe you're off to college soon!" Eliza groaned as they got back into the car. "It's not like you won't see me ever again Eliza. We'll come back for holiday breaks." Kara replied. "I know...it's not the same! It'll be different not having to buy all the extra food." Eliza replied.

"Yea...and we will pick up the tab." Alex groaned. "Maybe there is a perk to having you going to college." Eliza replied chuckling. "Ok I'm hungry...can we stop and get something to eat?" Kara groaned. "Ok! Ok! We'll stop and get lunch." Eliza replied. Once they got to the restaurant everyone quickly got out of the car and headed inside. "Welcome to Rose's! I'll be your waitress Sam." The waitress said. Alex was the first to look up and was met with the brown eyes of their waitress. She had dark hair and tanned skin and pouty lips. All things equaled Alex's weaknesses in a woman.

Everyone placed their orders and returned to chatting. "I'm so excited for college!" Kara exclaimed happily. "Oh what college did you get into?" Sam asked as she came back with their drinks. "Columbia. What about you?" Kara asked. "Same. Do you know which dorm you'll be in?" Sam asked. "I..uh won't be in a dorm." Kara replied. "Oh how does that work? I thought freshman had to stay in the dorms." Sam replied. "Only when they don't have an older sister, sister's girlfriend, and a girlfriend that have a townhouse to live in." Lena replied wrapping an arm around Kara possessively. "Oh! That's nice. What are you studying?" Sam asked. "Journalism." Kara replied.

"Majoring in business and minoring in science and bio engineering." Lena added. "Medical school, to become a doctor." Alex chimed in. "Criminal Justice and Forensic Accounting, then this year it's Cyber Security, international studies, and physiology." Maggie stated. "Wow! I'm just doing Law...and I thought that was gonna be difficult..but now hearing what you guys are tackling I suddenly find my choice easy." Sam replied. "Don't worry you'll do just fine." Eliza replied. Sam nodded and walked away from the table.

A few minutes later their food came and everyone did more eating and less talking. When everyone was finished their meals Eliza quickly paid before anyone could protest. "Now shall we go back home? Now that Kara is well situated for college?" Eliza asked. "Minus the books...but we'll get those later." Kara replied. Everyone got into the car and headed out of the city.

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