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It was now January. That meant there was only one month left before everyone left for college again. So Kara planned on soaking up every ounce of Lena she could in that time. "What do you mean you're not going to your winter formal?" Eliza asked the blonde over breakfast one morning. "Just that! I'm not going to it! Not now that Alex and Maggie have decided to chaperone!" Kara complained. "So? You can take Lena with you! I'm sure she'll be your date!" Eliza stated. "Ugh...fine! I'll asks her when she wakes up." Kara complained.

A little while later Lena, Alex and Maggie joined everyone else in the kitchen. Eliza shot Kara a look and a small nod of the head. Kara rolled her eyes before speaking. "Lena? Can we talk in the living room for a moment?" Kara asked. "Yea sure!" Lena replied with a curious look on her face as she followed her blonde girlfriend. "What's up?" Lena asked as they entered the other room. "Will you go to the winter formal with me? You don't have to...." Kara was quickly cut off by Lena's lips slamming into her own.

"Of course I will. I wouldn't miss it! Why were you worried I'd say no?" Lena asked. "A little." Kara admitted. "Well don't be! I'll accompany you to whatever event you have." Lena stated. "Including prom?" Kara asked with a grin. Lena thought for a moment trying to figure out if that would be feasible. "Yes! My classes end in May. And your prom isn't till June so yes I'll be here for that too. I mean, we'll all be here. Since then it'll be graduation and what kind of a girlfriend would I be if I missed all that?" Lena asked. "You'd be a terrible one!" Kara replied with a smile. "Then I most definitely won't miss any of those moments." Lena replied. "Ok! Let's go back to the kitchen and finish our breakfast so we can go dress shopping!" Kara added.

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