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Kara sat in her journalism class next to Lucy as they took notes. Memories of the weekend flooded her mind. Lena's moans and the way she dug at Kara's back... 'focus Kara!' She scolded herself shaking her head she continued typing away at notes. After classes she quickly left in search of Lena. Lena was standing outside her building holding a cup of hot coco in her other hand. "Kara! I got you a cup of coco. I thought we'd go have lunch off campus today." Lena suggested. "That sounds good. Thanks Lee." Kara replied. "You're welcome love." Lena replied with a smile.

Lena drove them to a Chinese restaurant just up the road from campus. "Chinese?" Kara asked. "Yes, I know how much you like potstickers." Lena replied. Kara smiled as they headed inside the restaurant. They quickly got seated and ordered their food. "So how are your classes going?" Lena asked. "Good, really good. I've been suggested for the school paper next year." Kara admitted. "Really! Kara that's absolutely amazing! I'm so proud of you!" Lena gushed. "It's just a suggestion...I won't know till summer time." Kara replied. Lena reached out and took the blondes hand in her own. "Kara that's still big news! You should be proud of yourself. I know I am. When you find out for certain we'll all go out and celebrate together as a family." Lena replied with a smile.

After a nice lunch they returned to campus to finish out their days. Kara had two more classes than a two hour practice. While Lena had four more classes. Meanwhile Alex and Andrea were just walking back to their classes. "So how are your classes going?" Andrea asked. "Good. How are yours going?" Alex asked. "Good, I saw Lena and Kara go off together during lunch." Andrea said. "Yea, Lena decided to take Kara to the Chinese restaurant up the road." Alex replied. Andrea began thinking. "Do you have plans for after classes?" Andrea asked. "No why." Alex asked. "Maybe we could go on a date...if you want." Andrea suggested. "I'd like that a lot actually. Maybe we can turn it into a study date?" Alex suggested. "Yea that works! I'll meet you here after classes end." Andrea said. "Ok hun, see you then." Alex said as she kissed Andrea's cheek before walking off again.

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