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Lena sat on the edge of the bleacher as she watched her fiancé run back and forth on the basketball court. "GOOOOO KARA!" Alex and Andrea yelled out! "THAT'S MY DAUGHTER! NUMBER 25!" Eliza yelled out. Kara made the basket quickly and began heading back to the opposite side of the court trying to stop the other team from getting points. "GO KARA!" Lena yelled out as she snatched the ball from her opponent and passed it to Jennifer who made another three points. "There's only two minutes left in the championship game! Columbia is ahead with 113 points to LSU's 84. Let's go Columbia!" The announcer exclaimed.

The timer continued to count down till there was only seconds left in the game. Suddenly the whole gymnasium went silent as Kara got passed the ball form another teammate and was running down the court to sink the ball into the net. 'BUZZZZZZZZ!' The timer went off causing everyone to erupt with cheers. "COLUMBIA WINS! COLUMBIA WINS!" The announcer shouts over the microphone. "YAAAAAAASSSS!" Everyone in the bleachers shouts. "Come on! Let's go see Kara!" Lena says. The four of them rush down to where Kara is celebrating with her team. Lena grabs Kara by the shoulder spinning her around on the spot and pulls her into a passionate kiss.

"Wooooooo!" Everyone around them cooed as the kiss continues for a good two minutes before they pull apart. "You did it Kara! I'm so proud of you!" Lena gushed. Camera's now flashed in their faces as they stood close together. "Can we get one of the team?" A photographer asked. "Of course. Kar...I'll be right over here." Lena said as she walked over to where everyone else stood. After a few pictures got snapped Kara parted from the team and walked over to where Eliza, Alex, Lena and Andrea stood. "Congratulations Kara! You did wonderful!" Eliza gushed as she pulled her into a hug. "Thanks!" Kara replied with a smile.

"Well I've got to get my stuff. Lena...would you help me?" Kara asked. "Of course!" Lena replied as she let Kara walk her towards the locker room. "So where..." Lena was cut off by Kara slamming her lips onto hers quickly slipping her tongue inside Lena's mouth. Lena moaned out loud as Kara wrapped her arms around her fiancé's waist pulling her in close. This time when they pulled apart they left there foreheads touching as they gazed lovingly into each others eyes. "Wow!" Lena whispered. "Yea...sorry....I just really wanted to do that." Kara replied.

"You were incredible out there today darling." Lena said. "I'm glad you were here today. I'm even more glad that you're wearing my hoodie." Kara replied. "Come on Eliza's making us something special for dinner tonight to celebrate your victory." Lena said. Kara quickly grabbed her bags and Lena's hand and walked out to her car.

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