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In the morning Kara lay watching Lena sleeping beside her as she drew circles on her exposed arm. "You're doing it again..." Lena whispered. "And what am I doing?" Kara asked innocently. "You're drawing circles on my arm and watching me sleep." Lena replied. "Oh you like it... come on let's get up and get ready." Kara whined. "Ugh...fine..but in Hawaii we are gonna sleep in...a lot...let everyone else go explore if they want...I'm holding you in bed." Lena groaned. "Is that a promise? Or a threat?" Kara asked teasing her girlfriend. "Ohh Kara Danvers thats a promise!" Lena exclaimed as they got up from the bed and headed downstairs for breakfast.

After breakfast everyone went back upstairs to get their things packed up for the camping/tubing trip. "How many bikinis are you bringing?" Lena asked as they began packing their bags. "A fair few...why?" Kara asked. "Just curious..." Lena cooed with a smirk. "Don't worry you're the only one who will be applying sunscreen on my body, even though I don't really need it." Kara replied with a smile. "Good! Are you almost finished?" Lena asked. "Yes dear. All set, all we need now to is pack the tubes into the car and head to the river." Kara stated. "Good." Lena replied with a smile.

A few minutes later the four women were packing their perspective cars with all things they'd need including tents and sleeping bags. "Well have fun girls! Stay out of trouble!" Eliza called as she waved to them as they left the driveway. Kara and Lena drove away in Kara's graduation gift laughing and smiling as they went. "Everyone's gonna go nuts when they see this!" Kara squealed happily. "I know darling! We can make an entrance this way!" Lena said agreeing. Soon they pulled up beside a pickup truck and hopped out and began unpacking their things. "Who's that?" They heard someone call from the group. "I think it's Kara!" Someone shouted.

Suddenly Sam and some other people gathered around the vehicles. "WOAH! When did you get that?" Someone asked. "It's my graduation present!" Kara stated. "Wow!" Sam exclaimed. "Yea..!" Kara replied. "Where is everyone else?" Lacey asked. "Alex and Maggie are over there. Lee and I are gonna set up or tent and then we'll join everybody." Kara stated. "Oh..she's staying?" Sam asked with a sneer. "Yep! Couldn't let my amazing girlfriend miss out on the fun." Kara exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around Lena's waist. "Come on darling, let's set our stuff up and change so we can start tubing." Lena stated as she grabbed their bags.

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