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It was Friday night and that meant one thing everyone was getting dressed up to go to the sports banquet for the awards ceremony. Kara was in her room while Lena was showering trying to pick out a dress to wear for tonight. Sitting on her bed in her lace bra and panties on she examined two dresses that hung in her closet one was silver and knee length, while the other was a deep navy and had a split that went to her thigh. Sighing to herself she chose the navy blue dress and was just sliding it up when Lena came out of the bathroom. "Oh!" Lena exclaimed looking at the blonde in mirror. "Can you zip me?" Kara asked blushing profusely and looking down at the floor. "No need to be embarrassed Kara, you're incredibly beautiful." Lena whispered in the blondes ear causing her to blush more.

Turning around Kara found herself lost in the green eyes of Lena. Licking her lips Lena leaned in slowly giving the blonde a chance to go, however she leaned in further when Kara stayed put. Emerald eyes locked with sea blue ones as they fluttered shut as the gap between them closed. Lips crashed into each other as Lena pushed Kara up against the wall pinning her as her tongue begged for entrance. Entrance was quickly given when Kara opened her mouth just a little. Heat soared through Kara's body as Lena kissed down her neck.

"COME ON! IT'S ALMOST TIME TO GO!" Alex yelled up the stairs causing them to jump apart. "It's almost time to go..." Kara whispered. "Yea..." Lena whispered back. "Can we continue this later?" Kara asked hoping Lena liked it just as much as she did. "Yes. We can." Lena whispered quickly before they separated. Lena quickly put on a black dress as Kara slipped on a pair of heels and fixed her makeup and hair. "Ready beautiful?" Lena asked looking at Kara. "Yes, let's go get this over with." Kara replied as they headed downstairs.

Kara and Lena sat in the backseat of Alex's car on the way to the school that night. Eliza drove herself because she wouldn't be coming home till later, since she was on the cleanup committee. "You nervous little Danvers?" Maggie asked. "No, not really. There's gonna be dancing this year, it was such a success last year that they kept it in." Kara said looking Lena who was smiling at her knowingly.

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