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The women wandered around the tree farm for a hour before finding the perfect tree. "Let's cut it down." Eliza said as she handed the hand saw to Alex and Kara. "Come on..." Alex grumbled. They knelt down and began sawing the tree at the base of the trunk. A few long minutes later the tree was on the ground and they were dragging it back to the suv. Between the five of them they managed to get it tied on the hood.

The ride back to Eliza's was filled with chatter. "That was faster than last year." Alex said. "Oh come on...it wasn't that bad last year." Kara replied. "Girls!" Eliza said ending the conversation. "Are we gonna decorate it immediately after we get it set up?" Andrea asked. "Yea." Alex replied. "Then what?" Andrea asked. "Then...we go and take our family pictures outside on the porch." Eliza stated. Lena turned pale at that thought. "Lee..you ok?" Kara asked. "Yea..I'm good." Lena replied softly.

Once they got home everyone helped get the tree inside and sat up. Once again Kara lay on the floor as Alex and Andrea moved it into place. Lena and Eliza came down with boxes of decorations in their hands a few minutes later. "Are you nervous?" Eliza whispered to Lena. "Yes." Lena replied. "No need to be. She's gonna say yes. I know it." Eliza replied with a smile.

Everyone began decorating the tree together as Christmas music played in the background. "Awww! Who made this?" Andrea asked as she held up a star in her hands. "I did..." Alex replied softly. "Awww it's adorable!" Andrea cooed. Lena and Kara shared a smile as they continued stringing the garland on the tree. "I think it looks more beautiful this year than last year. Kara said. "Me too." Lena replied looking directly at the blonde and not at the tree.

After the tree was decorated everyone headed upstairs to change into their themed pajamas for family pictures. Kara was dressed first and waiting downstairs impatiently for everyone else. She was gonna wait for Lena but her girlfriend told her she'd meet her downstairs. "Where's Lena?" Andrea asked. "Upstairs, said she had to find her hat...or something." Kara replied. "I'm here! I'm ready! Lena called as she came running downstairs.

"Ok! Everyone lets go outside before it gets too cold." Eliza replied. The women headed out to the front porch and prepared for the pictures. "Ok first a couple group photos of everyone. Then we'll get the others." Eliza explained. Everyone nodded as Eliza set the camera up. "Ok! Smile!" Eliza exclaimed as they grouped together with Eliza in the middle of the girls. 'Snap!....snap!' The camera went off a couple times. "Ok! Now Alex and Andrea group together." Eliza said as everyone separated. 'Snap!' Eliza clicked the camera a couple of times.

"Ok! Alex stay. Kara go in." Eliza said. The sisters stood together as Eliza snapped the pictures. "Ok...now one of the four of you girls! It'll look good on the walls." Eliza added. Everyone smiled as they grouped together under the white Christmas lights. "Ok...now Lena and Kara's turn." Eliza adds. Lena nods as she remains beside Kara. Alex pulls out her phone and sets it on record knowing what's to come.

A couple pictures were taken of the girlfriends having fun before Kara turned away from Lena who had snow in her hand. Eliza nodded and Lena tossed the snow away before pulling the velvet box out of her pocket and kneeling down. Alex pressed record on her phone just as Lena spoke to get Kara's attention.

"Kara... when I first met you I had no idea that you'd become such a big part of my life. But yet here we are...celebrating one year together. I was gonna wait and do this later but I couldn't wait any longer to ask you this question...so...Kara Danvers...will do me the honor of saying yes to my impromptu marriage proposal...and also say yes to spending everyday of the rest of our lives together?" Lena asked from where she was kneeling down. Kara looked down in shock and awe. "Kara?" Lena asked. "Yes! Of course! YESSS!" Kara squealed.

Lena stood up and pulled the blonde into a heated kiss before pulling apart and sliding on the engagement ring on her finger. "Did you get all that?" Eliza asked Alex. Alex nodded smiling. "Congratulations girls! Welcome officially to the family Lena!" Eliza cooed as she pulled them into a tight hug. "Thank you..." They both whispered in response. "Ok! Let's go pop some champagne! Because MY LITTLE SISTER IS ENGAGED!" Alex yelled out into the darkness.

"We're engaged..." Kara whispered as she curled up on the sofa with Lena. "We are! Are you happy?" Lena whispered. "Yes...although now we need to get you a ring too, so everyone will know that you're off limits too." Kara cooed. "We will love.." Lena replied. Alex passed out champagne for everyone as they all got comfortable on the sofa's to watch another movie.

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