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Practice was almost over when Kara heard the doors of the gym open revealing Alex, Maggie and a raven haired woman who Kara figured was Lena. The three of them came in and took seats in the bleachers. "Which one's Kara?" Lena asked. "Number eleven." Alex replied. "That's the golden girl of the Mustangs! She plays softball and soccer too, shes gonna get the Mustangs three championship trophies this year." Maggie stated. "Three?" Lena asked. "Yea she's led the soccer team to win the championship last fall, and now Saturday is the basketball championship, and in the spring it's softball and another championship. It's not like she needs it though, she's already gotten offers for ten different schools." Alex explained. "Ten? Really? Has she made a decision yet?" Lena asked. "Columbia!" Maggie and Alex said together. "Oh wow!" Lena replied as she continued watching Kara do lunges.

After practice finished the team did some stretching and muscle relaxation before talking to their coach. Lena had to stifle a groan as she watched Kara stretch her leg muscles out. "Ok! Now that's the last practice before Saturday, so go home and do your homework and keep your mind off the game till Saturday. Now huddle up." The coach exclaimed as the girls gathered in a tight circle. "MUSTANGS! MUSTANGS! MUSTANGS!" The whole team chanted before breaking apart and going their separate ways.

A very sweaty Kara walked over to where her sister sat. "I'll be right back Alex." Kara stated as she disappeared into the locker room only to return a minute later with her duffle bag now sporting with a hoodie and a pair of black leggings. "Ready little Danvers?" Maggie asked. "Yea! Oh you must be Lena, I'd shake your hand but I'm all sweaty." Kara said. "No big deal. It's nice to meet you too." Lena replied as they headed out into the cold.

Kara got into the back of Alex's car with Lena after putting her bag in the trunk. "So are you ready for Saturday?" Alex asked. "Yea I am. It's gonna be great." Kara replied. "Good we brought our school hoodies." Maggie said. "Good! I need all the luck I can get." Kara stated. "Luck? Does wearing your school colors bring luck?" Lena asked. "Only to Kara. We wear them to every game unless it's scorching outside, then we wear our class tshirts. I think I have something you can borrow for Saturday." Alex told Lena who just nodded.

Once the four of them got home Kara disappeared up to her room to shower before dinner. "This is where you'll be staying Lena. Excuse Kara for not showing you before going to shower. Hope you don't mind sharing a bed." Alex added pointing to the large bed in the middle of the room. "No not at all. I'm sure I'll be ok." Lena replied. "Ok, well I'll leave you to unpack then. Kara made room for you in the closet and in the drawers." Alex added quickly before leaving the room.

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