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It appeared that the whole school had came to the softball championship. Lena and Alex sat in the bleachers ready to cheer on Kara and Andrea. "And up first for Columbia is freshman KARA DANVERS!" The announcer called as her walk up music began. "THAT'S MY FIANCÉ!" Lena yelled out in excitement. Kara turned on her cleats and waved to Lena who was standing up in the crowd. "Sit back down you idiot!" Alex groaned. "Next up is a sophomore named ANDREA ROJAS!" The announcer called as she walked out to her chosen song. "THAT'S MY GIRLFRIEND!" Alex yelled out causing Andrea to turn around and wave. "Now who's the idiot?" Lena asked as Alex sat back down. "Shut up!" Alex grumbled.

The game began and Kara was up to bat first. She whacked it hard causing it to go deep again. "RUN KARA!" Lena yelled out. The blonde ran to first base and stopped as the other team got the ball and headed to stop her from running further. Player after player hit the ball hard and Kara ran around the bases. Now she was stuck on third base, however Andrea was up next. "GO ANDREA!" Alex yelled as Andrea hit the ball down center field.  Kara slid into home as Andrea made it to second base. Columbia was up 2 to 0 with two players make int back home before the ball returned to the pitcher. A blonde girl is up next and hits the ball hard, allowing Andrea to run home quickly.

The game went on and on and for a while it looked like the opposing team was gonna win however that was about to change when Kara caught the ball she just pitched. "OUT!" The umpire yelled. "No fucking fair!" The freshman on the other team yelled. "Go back to your dugout! Columbia 7-5!" The ump replied. The Columbia students cheered but none more loudly as Alex and Lena.

Another two hours went by and Kara was up to bat again. 'WHACK!' Went the bat against the ball sending it flying way into the outfield. "RUN KARA! RUUUUN!" The whole place screamed. Kara ran quickly around the bases and just as the ball made it back to the pitcher Kara slid into home. "THAT'S IT! COLUMBIA WINS! COLUMBIA WINS!" The announcement rang out over the speakers. Everyone in the bleachers erupted in cheers! Alex and Lena ran onto the diamond along with everyone else hoisting the team onto their shoulders. Lena ran to Kara who picked her up in her arms and kissed her, while Alex ran to Andrea and did the same. "Congratulations!" Lena whispered. "Thank you!" Kara replied. "Congratulations love!" Alex said. "Thanks!" Andrea replied.

They slowly made their way off the field after Kara and Andrea grabbed their stuff from the dug out. "Kara!" Someone called out from behind them. Kara turned to see Maggie standing there. "I'll be right back..." Kara said. Lena nodded and waited for her. "Maggie! How are you?" Kara asked as she shared a hug with the dark haired woman. "I'm good! Congratulations on that game and the engagement too." Maggie replied. "Oh thanks..." Kara replied with a smile. "Well..you should head back to Lena..I just wanted to tell you congratulations.." Maggie replied. "Thanks Maggie, it was good to see you..." Kara replied as she began walking away.

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