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A few hours later everyone was back home and hidden away wrapping gifts. Kara locked herself in her room and wrapped everyone's gifts before hiding them in her closet. She got Maggie clothes and movies, and Alex books, board games, movies and some clothes along with a framed picture that was taken of them at the sports banquet. She got Lena the necklace with a microscope charm on it, along with some clothes, books and a framed picture of the two of them at the banquet. And for Eliza she got a framed picture of the whole group, the girls team, and one of Kara and her friends from the banquet, along with a gift card to her favorite spa and nail salon, and some other things. "Perfect!" She whispered as she put the pile in the closet before heading downstairs.

"I was thinking tomorrow we'd all go buy the Christmas tree." Eliza stated. "Wonderful!" Kara said smiling at her. "Everyone dress warmly! Kara will make us walk for hours to find the perfect tree!" Alex groaned. "I'm sure it isn't gonna be that bad." Lena stated. "You're just saying that because you've never been on this Danvers's family adventure. It's a long ordeal!" Maggie added. "It's not that bad! Really! And we always get potstickers and pizza afterwards so it's worth it in the end." Kara exclaimed grabbing Lena's hand.

"What will be doing today?" Lena asked as she sat with Kara on the couch with Kara. "Well now that Christmas shopping's over we usually go to the attic to pull out the decorations, and when the tree gets here tomorrow we decorate it, then when the lights are on it in the evening we turn off all the lights and Eliza makes coco and popcorn and we watch movies." Kara explained. "Wow! The Luthor's never did anything like that. Christmas was just another day." Lena replied. "Really? That's sad. I'm sorry you went through that." Kara replied hugging her girlfriend tight.

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