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It was now Sunday. The first official day of Christmas break for Kara, and she was very excited about it. Today they'd be going shopping for Christmas and Kara knew just what to get Lena. Walking the mall with Maggie while Alex was off with Lena so they could shop for each other Kara asked a bunch of questions about Columbia. "It's really lovely little Danvers. You'll love the gym we can work out anytime we want." Maggie stated. "Awesome! I can't wait!" Kara replied. "Now? What are you gonna get Lena?" Maggie asked. "You'll see. Come with me." Kara said as they headed into a jewelry shop. "Engagement rings? Already little Danvers?" Maggie teased.

"No! I thought I'd get her a necklace." Kara said as her cheeks burned red. "Well let's look at them." Maggie stated. Meanwhile Alex and Lena were scouting out the clothing department looking for stuff for everyone. "What does Kara like?" Lena asked. "She likes sports, obviously. She likes movies, hoodies, music, umm she likes that show Once Upon a Time." Alex replied. "Does she wear jewelry?" Lena asked. "Only things that aren't as she calls it 'too girly' she has a few rope bracelets, and one necklace that mom got her when she turned sixteen." Alex stated. "What's her favorite animal?" Lena asked.

Alex thought for a moment before responding. "It's a tie between horses, dolphins, and pandas. She also likes books especially old books. Fantasy books are her favorite, but she also reads love stories once in a while but they have to have a good sounding story line. Here!" Alex said pointing to the book store. "Let's start here." Alex added pulling Lena inside.

"Thank you!" Kara stated as she left the jewelry store bag in hand. "I think shes' gonna like it." Maggie said as they continued on their way through the mall.

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