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It was exam week for the three college students. The night before Lena spent a few hours talking to Kara who hyped her up for the exams.

Flash back:

"Hey beautiful! I'm calling you to let you know that tomorrow is exam week for all of us." Lena explained. "I know. I have it written down on my calendar. 'Lee's hell week' 'Alex's complaining week' and 'Maggie's groaning week' are you nervous?" Kara asked. "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't. It's gonna be a rough week Kar. I'm gonna miss our evening talks." Lena groaned. "I know love, and it's ok, we can talk when you all come home for the summer. And by talk I mean I'm gonna jump into your arms and kiss you before any talking begins." Lena couldn't help but chuckle at Kara's words. "Wouldn't it be better if I jumped into your arms? I mean you are stronger than me..." Lena suggested. "Hmmm...yea probably! I'd hate to accidentally hurt you or something." Kara replied. "I miss you!" Lena stated. "I miss you too Lee. But in one week you, Alex, and Maggie will be done with exams and heading here. So? How are you feeling?" Kara asked knowing Lena would be a tangled knot of emotions. "I'm nervous more than anyone. I know the stuff inside and out...however that doesn't keep the nerves at bay. Seeing your beautiful face helps tremendously though! I may have to keep picturing your face in my mind while I sit for exams." Lena stated." "That's fine with me! I plan on doing that same thing next week when senior project night comes around." Kara added. "Kar...it's getting late..and as much as I love staring into your beautiful blue eyes I should be getting to bed. I love you, and I'll do my best to text you periodically so you know I'm ok." Lena explained. "I love you Lee! And I'll be waiting for any texts. Now get some sleep my beautiful angel. Here's a kiss for good luck!" Kara said blowing her a kiss over video chat before hanging up and falling asleep herself.

That was last night. Today Kara sat in her biology class with Winn preparing to dissect another embryo. This time it was an unborn piglet. "And remember! This is part of your final grades!" Mr. Jones announced to the class. "So what exactly are we looking for again?" Winn asked. "We're looking to see if we can identify the parts of the piglets organs." Kara explained. "Oh...yea..." Winn groaned as he watched Kara take the scalpel and gently cut into the piglet. One hour later almost everyone in their class had finished directing the embryo correctly and had earned full credits on the assignment including Winn and Kara.

Meanwhile in a large classroom at Columbia sat Lena who was finishing up one of her many exams for that first day. While in two other parts of the school Alex and Maggie were doing the exact same thing. Lena kept a mental picture of Kara inside her head as she easily answered each question correctly. 'Kara does help...ok...so that is...' Lena thought to herself as she jotted down the correct response to a troublesome question.

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