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"Kara! Great job on that article! You really know your stuff!" Julie said. "Thanks Julie, are you coming to the championship next week?" Kara asked. "I am. I'll actually be there as the press, so I'll be there with Ed." Julie said. "Oh good. Well I've got to get going...I'll see you tomorrow." Kara said as she grabbed her bag off the newspaper room floor and headed off to lunch. Just outside the building stood Lena who was wearing Kara's hoodie and sporting a smile. "Hey darling! Good meeting?" Lena asked. "Yes, it was, Julie's coming to the finals next week with Ed...I think he's the newest photographer, so that will be good." Kara replied.

"That's good love. Are you hungry?" Lena asked. "Duh! Come on Lee." Kara said as they walked towards the cafeteria. Alex and Andrea were already at a table when they walked inside. They quickly shared a wave before jumping in line, still holding hands. "I think that by this time next year Alex will purpose to Andrea." Kara whispered. "Really? Ya think?" Lena asked as she put a cup on her tray. "Oh most definitely! They're so in love." Kara replied as she put a large hamburger on her plate along with two bags of chips.

Lena looked at the couple as they swiped their food cards and thought about what Kara said. "I can see it." Lena said. "Told you! Come on let's go join them." Kara said with a smile. "Hey you two!" Alex greeted. "Hey! You ready for the championship?" Kara asked as she sat opposite Andrea. "Yes! I can't wait!" Andrea replied with a smile. "Same here! It's gonna be in the paper, Julie said that she'd be there with the newest photographer." Kara replied. "Oh thats nice..." Andrea said. "Don't like her or something?" Lena asked. "Not really...she's my exe." Andrea replied with a scoff. "Oh...that explains a lot." Kara said.

"Has she been talking about me or something?" Andrea asked. "No...she usually talks about how everyone needs to work harder and do better writing articles!" Kara replied. "Well...she was always a controlling asshole." Andrea joked. Everyone at the table burst out in laughter.

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