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After the principal and the speaker made their speeches it was time for Kara to stand up at the podium and make her speech as valedictorian. "And now it's time for our next speaker. Not only is she the valedictorian, she also lead our varsity teams to every championship game and won ever since her freshman year. And now it's off to Columbia University where she will be studying journalism and taking her team to the college championship. Please help me welcome Kara Danvers!" The principal announced. The crowd in went crazy with cheers as they watched the blonde walking to the podium.

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen, family and friends. I stand here today not only as everything the principal described but as a life long member of our beloved small town. When I began writing this speech, I thought about every cliche thing I could say. Then I threw out those ideas and decided to start off with saying thank you. As most all of you know I wasn't born here, I was adopted by the Danvers family at the tender age of eleven after my family died in a fire. If it wasn't for the love and support I received through the years I don't know where I'd be today. So thank you Eliza for putting up with me all these years. Next I need to thank my adopted sister for dealing with me. Alex, we hated each other in the beginning, but I don't blame you. You got stuck sharing your room with someone you just met, but look at us now we've grown extremely close, so close in fact that this fall I'll be sharing a townhouse with you." Kara took a short pause to let everyone laugh at her small joke.

"I also need to thank my teachers, friends and coaches for pushing me to become the best version of myself. Even though at times it was tough and I wanted to quit a lot....I didn't give in....I pushed through it all. Lastly on the list of thank you's I need to thank someone who dropped into my life last Christmas and has stayed in my life...Lena popped into my life and instantly became part of the family...she's the best girlfriend a person could ask for, she like everyone else inspires me to do my absolute best in everything...so thank you Lee! Now I almost forgot to thank the community members, for accepting me as one of your own. Now..it's time for the real deep part of my speech..." Kara took another small pause to look out at the crowd, her eyes met Lena's and they shared a smile before she continued.

"Today isn't just then end of our high school career, it's the end of a chapter in our book of life. With most of us starting our next chapter at various colleges, or traveling the globe, or going directly into the working world those adventures will be the next chapters in our life. So now my speech is finally coming to an end...I know.. this is the part everyone loves...so I'll just end by saying a quick thank you Midvale for everything..."

With that everyone in the crowd clapped and cheered as Kara returned to her seat. Lena had to wipe a tear from her eye as she watched her girlfriend sit down. "Are you crying?" Alex asked teasingly. "Shut up! It was a beautiful speech!" Lena replied. "Now it's time to handout the diplomas." The principal stated as he began reading off names.

"Kara Danvers!" The principal called out. Kara stood up and walked towards the man, they shook hands and smiled while Eliza snapped pictures. A few minutes later the graduation ended and the graduates gathered together to have their pictures taken for the local paper before they separated. Kara saw Lena standing there with her sign in her hands as she waved it around in the air. Kara ran towards the dark haired woman enveloping her into arms and spinning her around. "I did it Lee!" Kara exclaimed happily. "I'm so proud of you darling! Come on...let's go home...your party is gonna be starting soon!" Lena said as they separated holding hands as they walked to Kara's car. "I love you!" Kara stated happily. "I love you too darling! So much!" Lena replied as they headed back to Eliza's.

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