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Kara and Lena exited their drivers car not wanting to leave Kara's car at the airport. Alex and Andrea looked on at them as they walked over to the jet. "Where are your things?" Andrea asked. "Oh..uh the staff is getting them." Kara replied. "Staff? You have staff to take your luggage now?" Alex asks. "Not only for that..but theres chef's maids, gardeners, personal drivers, you name it..we have it at the house." Kara replied. "Lena! If you ever decide to leave Kara...I'm available!" Andrea said with a smirk. Lena laughed as she wrapped her arm around Kara's waist. "I think I'm good." Lena replied.

Once they were on the jet Andrea gasped as she looked around. "Wooow!" Andrea said. "Impressive isn't it. We took it last year to Hawaii." Kara said. "Really?" Andrea asked. "It was Kara's graduation gift from me." Lena explained. "How are you gonna top her college graduation?" Alex asked teasingly. "Probably...by marrying her." Lena replied as she sat next to Kara. Their seats were facing the others as everyone sat down. "So whats there to do in Midvale in the summer?" Andrea asked. "Well...the same things there are to do in the winter...except for swimming, and hiking." Kara replied. "Swimming? Hmm that sounds fun." Andrea replied.

Soon the jet takes off and everyone is served breakfast sandwiches made by the jet staff. "These are delicious!" Alex said. "Aren't these what we had yesterday too?" Kara asked. "Yes, they are. I knew you liked them, so I had the staff make them this morning too." Len replied. "How do you like the house Kara?" Andrea asked. "It's absolutely amazing! It's still taking me awhile to get used to just being able to relax but I'm getting there." Kara said. "I keep reminding her that she is allowed to do whatever she wants. Most of the time we spend time outside, Kara shoots basketball and I relax in a sun lounger. Or we go to the theater room and watch movies after dinner." Lena says.

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