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The morning found Lena sprawled out on top of Kara as the sun peeked through their bedroom windows. Lena's blue eyes fluttered open to see Kara's naked body underneath her own. Slowly Lena began drawing circles on Kara's abs before kissing her way up the blondes body. Blue eyes slowly opened up to see Lena and her antics. "Lee...what are you doing?" Kara whispered. "I'm just lying here darling." Lena replied. "I don't believe you...come up here.." Kara whispered. Lena smirked as she moved up to meet Kara's face placing a kiss on her lips. "Good morning sweetheart." Lena whispered. "Good morning yourself sweetheart." Kara replied.

"We should get up..and have breakfast..." Lena said. "Hungry are you?" Kara asked. "Yes...we worked up quite an appetite last night." Lena said. "Ok...let's get up and go have breakfast. I've got to research my article later anyways." Kara said. "Ok..first shower...then breakfast." Lena said as they sat up in bed. A few minutes later they were showered and dressed and seated at the table. "Good morning Kara, Lena! Breakfast is served...enjoy." Lucinda said. "Thank you!" They both replied together.

After breakfast Kara slipped away to go research her article for next week's paper. Lena on the other hand was busy doing some online shopping for the house. Well that's what she said to Kara. Instead she was looking for a birthday gift for her fiancé. It will be Kara's twenty birthday and Lena wanted to buy her something really special. She scrolled through every jewelry website she could till she found the perfect thing. "Perfect!" She whispered to herself as she clicked on the image of the snowflake necklace with the emerald in the center. She quickly ordered it and made sure it was shipped in a discrete box.

A few hours later Kara came back into the living room where Lena sat and joined her on the sofa. "Whatcha doing love?" Kara asked. "Nothing..did you finish researching your article?" Kara asked. "Yes darling I did...I've got enough to write it and had it in on Monday." Kara replied. "Good..now come here and relax. We have a long time before we meet Alex and Andrea." Lena said as she pulled Kara into her arms.

They lay there till Lucinda came and told them that lunch was ready. She brought in four large pizzas and two drinks and  sat them all on the large coffee table before leaving again. Kara quickly sat up and began eating, Lena quickly followed her and took a slice and began eating. "This is so good!" Kara groaned as she ate her sixth piece. Lena couldn't help but chuckle at Kara's reaction to the food. She loved seeing her fiancé happy, and food always made her happy. 'Thank Rao I'm a billionaire.' Lena said to herself as they continued eating.

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