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With exams winding down Kara and Andrea were busy with softball. The team had managed to make it to the finals and now they're playing to see will be in the championship. Currently Columbia is up to bat, Andrea's on third base while Kara's preparing to hit the ball.

"GO KARA!" Lena yelled out as she sat next to Alex and Eliza in the stands watching the finals of softball. "RUN ANDREA! RUN!" Alex yelled out as the brunette ran the bases right after Kara hit the ball deep. Eliza smiled as she watched the game and listened to the women cheer on their partners. "AND COLUMBIA LEADS FOUR TO ONE!" The announcer called out. "Boy was that some hit from Kara Danvers! That young woman's going places!" Another announcer said. Now Columbia was in the field and the opposing team was up to bat. Kara and Andrea were out in the outfield making sure the ball didn't get too far. "GOT IT!" Andrea called out as she ran for the ball. Kara watched as Andrea ran towards the ball that was hurdling through the air right for her glove. 'Whack!' The ball hit her glove hard ending the game and skyrocketing them into the championship game.

"WE WON!" Kara yelled out as she ran towards Andrea picking her up in her arms and ran towards the middle of the diamond. "ANDREA! ANDREA!" Everyone yelled out. "They won! They won!" Alex yelled as she ran onto the diamond enveloping Andrea into a hug. "You won!" Alex cooed. "We did!" Andrea repels with a smile. Lena now ran to Kara and pulled her into a tight hug. "You guys won! Congratulations darling!" Lena gushed. "Off to another championship!" Kara exclaimed happily. "I'm so proud of you!" Eliza chimed in as she joined the girls in hugs.

"Andi! Kara! You guys coming to the celebration dinner?" A dark haired woman asked. Andrea looked at Kara. "Uh...Lee? Alex? Mom?" Kara asked. "Oh...it's kinda just for the team guys..." The woman added. "Well then, no we don't want to come. Sorry Megan, we have other plans." Kara said. Megan lets out a huff. "Fine...come on guys." Megan said as she ushered the team to leave the diamond. "So? After showers, how about we all go out for pizza?" Eliza suggested. "Yea! That sounds great!" Kara said. "I'm always up for pizza!" Andrea added. "Good, let's get back to the house so you two can shower then we'll go." Eliza said.

A little while later the five woman are sitting in a booth at the local pizzeria waiting on there four pizzas to arrive. "Oh look Sam works here." Kara said. "Oh I know that, she was here last weekend when Andrea and I came here for dinner. She's...kinda changed...she's not the complete ass that she was at your graduation." Alex added. "Well I still don't like her." Lena said. "You don't have to darling. It's ok with me." Kara added as Sam made her way over to them with their drinks.

"Kara! Alex! Mrs. Danvers, Andrea, Lena...nice to see you all again." Sam said with smile. "Sam it's very nice to see you again too. How's school going?" Eliza asked. "It's going well. I'm glad my exams are almost over." Sam replied her eyes roaming over everyone. Suddenly her eyes landed on Kara's engagement ring. "Kara Danvers! When did you get engaged?" Sam asked. "Oh...um over Christmas. Lena purposed during our pictures being taken, it was sweet." Kara replied her eyes lingering on Lena as she spoke. "Well congratulations..." Sam says. Lena smirks at her before she speaks. "Don't worry Samantha you'll be invited to our wedding."

"When is it gonna be?" Sam asks. "We've been discussing different ideas. We've been bouncing around dates this summer, the summer after that." Kara replied. "Oh wow...that's awful soon. Will you still be in the townhouse?" Sam asked. "Nope. This summer we'll be moving into my family estate here." Lena said. "Yea, Andrea and I are moving out so it makes sense that Kara and Lena do too. That way the house can be rented out for someone else." Alex said.

"Well...I gotta get back to work...it was nice seeing you all." Sam said as she left the table quickly. "Well she has changed." Kara said as she sipped her drink. "Indeed she has." Lena added.

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