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Christmas morning came and with it four very excited college women. Kara woke up early as she always did but instead of running downstairs like a child she began to ravish her fiancé. Kara lay on her stomach between Lena's legs lapping up the juices that leaked from the dark haired woman's core. Lena began whimpering as her legs wrapped around the blondes head pulling her deeper into core. "Ahhhgrhhhh! Yes! Fuck!" Lena yelled out as she rode out another rush of pleasure. When they were finished they put on their pajamas again and walked downstairs to a Christmas Day buffet of breakfast food. "Sleep well?" Eliza asked. "Oh yes..we did." Lena replied with a smile. "Good, I'm glad..but next time..do try to keep it down." Eliza whispered.

Both Lena and Kara were blushing in when Alex and Andrea came into the kitchen. "What's wrong with you two?" Alex asked. "Uh..nothing.." Kara replied. "Oh? It didn't sound like nothing earlier." Andrea replied smirking at them. "Well what can I say...Kara knows how to wake me up." Lena replied looking at them. "Ok eww! That's my sister! And it's Christmas! Can we stop talking  about sex in general?" Alex groaned. "Ok everyone! Eat up! We have waffles, French toast, pancake tacos with sausage, fruit bowls, hot chocolate, coffee, sticky buns, bacon and sausage rolls! Don't worry about not having enough for everyone..cause I made a double batch of everything!" Eliza stated.

Everyone began piling food onto their plates and grabbing mugs of coffee and hot coco before making their way to the table. "Is this how Christmas goes every year here?" Andrea asked. "Yes, every year it's like this. Mom always makes a big breakfast before we open presents. Then we usually don't have lunch and just wait til dinner which usually consists of a ham and all the trimmings." Alex replied. "I'm gonna gain so much weight this holiday." Andrea groaned. "You'll loose it quickly when we get back to college. You can come to the gym with us." Kara said as he move her hand between herself and Lena.

After breakfast everyone headed up to get showered and dressed before returning downstairs to open gifts. "Aww more hoodies for me to borrow and never return." Lena replied as she watched Kara open one package. "Hah! I know where to get them back now though. I'll just borrow them back when I need one." Kara replied. One by one gifts were opened and wrappings discarded. "Oh! This is beautiful!" Andrea cooed as she opened the earrings Alex had gotten her. "I'm glad you like them." Alex replied with a smile.

"Thank you everyone for the wonderful gifts. However I do believe that this photo will be one of my favorite gifts. Excellent photo taking skills Alex." Eliza cooed as she looked at the framed picture of Lena proposing to Kara. "Yes! I can't wait to hang ours up in our room." Lena replied with a smile.

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