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By the time May came everyone was beyond busy. Kara and Andrea have softball practice along with their regular classes which means they barley see they're partners. However today is the first official day of exams, which means everyone in the house is awake early and eating a protein packed breakfast made by Alex and Kara. "Fill your plates!" Alex said with a smile as she finished pouring their drinks. "What's this?" Andrea asked. "It's the Danvers sister's protein packed pancakes with a healthy protein packed chocolate and banana shake." Kara said. "Ohhh ok." Andrea replied. "It's really good. I've had this before last year during exams." Lena replied reassuring Andrea. "Ok." Andrea replied.

After breakfast everyone headed to their classes. "Good luck darling. I'll see you at lunch." Lena said as she kissed Kara before walking to her first exam. "I love you Lee! You got this!" Kara called after her. Kara quickly found her seat in the exam room and readied herself. Lena sat far away from everyone and readied for her exam to begin. Alex was seated in her usual seat nervously tapping her foot. As for Andrea she wasn't as nervous but she couldn't help but rearranging her pens and pencils a few dozen times.

A few long hours later everyone is out of their classes and meet up in front of the cafeteria. "How bad was it?" Lena asked. "It wasn't too bad. How was yours?" Kara asked. "Mine was dreadful. Come on, I'm starving after all that brain power I used." Lena said. Kara couldn't help but laugh at her fiancé. "Come on then, let's go fuel your brain up again." Kara said. "Hey guys! How was your first ever college exam Kar?" Andrea asked. "It was surprisingly easy." Kara said. "Uh..ok..." Andrea replied. "Mine was boring." Alex added. "Well we have an hour and a half before we take our second ones....so let's enjoy this time." Lena said. "Yes let's!" Kara said in agreement as the four of them headed to a table together.

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