The Tell.

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Alexis's POV

"Hoosiers' is not only the best basketball movie ever made, it's the best sports movie-" Jackson says as I pull up to the movie store, driving Lydia's car. "No." Lydia interrupts. "It's got Gene Hackman and Dennis Hopper-" Jackson tries and Lydia cuts him off again.

"No. If we have to watch very lacrosse game, we're not watching sports movies in our free time." She says. "You'd be better of with 'Space Jam'." I say sarcastically making Lydia smirk. "I swear to god you'll like it." Jackson argues. "No." Lydia says again. "I am not watching The Notebook again." He says. "For once, I actually agree with him." I say and Lydia gives us a look making Jackson sigh and climb out of the car.

A couple of minutes later, I smile as Lydia takes a picture of us. "Okay, something tells me he doesn't have a clue where the film is or he just got distracted by other movies...or both." I say and Lydia purses her lips before nodding. "Yeah, you should probably check on him." She says and I climb out of the car.

"What are you doing?" Jackson asks me as I walk into the store. "I'm assuming you don't know where the film is, considering you're looking in the sports section." I point out and he glances at the movies he was looking at before sighing and nods. "I don't think anyone here knows how to do their jobs because there's literally no workers." He tells me making me glance around.

I notice something on the ground, making me furrow my eyebrows as I walk down the aisle. A copper smell fills my nose letting me know it's blood and I freeze as I see where it's coming from. "Jackson..." I call making him look up at me before he walks over and notices the same thing.

Sticking out of one of the aisles is a pair of feet laying unmoved. I take a deep breath before walking closer as Jackson grabs my arm, following close behind me. We make it to the aisle and slowly peek around to see the store clerk on the floor, dead, his blood everywhere. Jackson stumbles back and tumbles right into a ladder. It goes down, wires snapping with it as sparks flies with it from a light fixture. All the lights flicker and die, leaving the store in darkness.

The sound of movement makes me spin around. A shelf rattles, DVD cases trembling as something large moves behind it. "Really, now?" I whisper, knowing exactly what is here. Jackson grabs my hand and pulls me behind a shelf, trying to steady his near hyperventilating breaths. Slowly, he peers up above the stack of DVDs when suddenly, one of the shelves rock forward. And the DVDs come crashing down, flying towards us.

Jackson grabs me and moves to dart out of the way but one of the shelves slam down on his back, pinning him down on the floor. I fall in my back making the shelves press down on my stomach making me wince in pain. As Jackson tries to push himself up, a shadow falls over us making me breath put shakily. Jackson holds still as the store becomes ominously quiet and as claws hands reaches over the nape of his neck where the marks of where his skin was punctured.

The alpha lets out a low growl before removing to stand above me making me groan as the shelves push more into me. "Lexi..." Jackson says worried as the alpha leans down, and buries its head in my neck. "Lexi." It whispers in my ear making me frown.

All the sudden, the alpha runs off the shelves and straight out of the window. The only sounds was glass shattering and a scream coming from outside which bursts my ears.


Stiles' POV

Dad drives his Sheriffs car while I search through the fast food bags. "Did they forget my curly fries?" Dad asks. "You're not supposed to eat fries. Especially the curly ones." I tell him making him look at me with raised eyebrows. "I am carrying a lethal weapon. If I want the curly fries, I will have the curly fries."

Teen Wolf: Alexis McCallWhere stories live. Discover now