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Alexis's POV

I sit at my desk finishing some last minute homework when I hear Stiles' voice. "If you die, I will literally go out of my freaking mind!" I hear and then I feel my room grow colder making me look up to see some blonde curly haired woman walking into my bathroom. I slowly stand up before walking into the bathroom to find it empty making me frown.

"What the fuck?" I mutter as I look around. I shake my head and go to walk out when I notice my mirror and inside the mirror, is the same blonde lady. She stares at me for a moment before turning and walking away as the mirror then goes back to normal.

I stare at it in confusion when I start to hear the sound of children laughing and whispering. Subconsciously, I slowly reach up to touch the mirror but my hand goes right through until my whole body is sucked into the mirror.

I no longer stood in my bathroom but instead stand in a neighbourhood. I glance around to see that blonde woman walking further into the neighbourhood making me quickly follow behind her. "Hello? Hey!" I call out but the woman never turns around. "Wait!" I yell as I run after her but she disappears into the crowd making me stop.

"Lexi!" I hear someone call making me turn around to see Lydia running over to me and I sigh in relief. "Thank god, I'm not the only one seeing something weird for once." I say and Lydia nods as she grabs my hand.

We glance around and notice a bunch of people standing around and talking to each other as Duran Duran plays on a radio. People were cooking, eating and laughing with each other while kids ran around playing. The two of us walk around until we notice an old carousel and that's when I notice one of the horses is covered in blood.

Everything suddenly turns dark as the carousel slows to a stop. Me and Lydia look at each other before glancing around confused and we see someone running out of a house before disappearing in a puff of green smoke. Everyone starts screaming and running and disappearing eft and right as Lydia's grip tightens on my hand.

Soon enough, everyone but that curly blonde haired lady was gone. We look over and see the lady put her head in her hands for a moment before shaking her head. "It's not real! Not real! It's not real! It's not..." the lady cries as we walk up to her.

Lydia slowly reaches out and grabs the woman's shoulder making her look over at us. Suddenly, the lady's face flashes to an older version of her and back a few times. Me and Lydia stare in shock until all of sudden, Lydia starts screaming.

"Lexi!" Someone yells and knocks on my door making me jump and look around to see I'm alone and back in my bathroom. "You awake? School starts soon?" Mom calls out as I take a deep breath, blinking rapidly. "I'm up." I call back as I stare into the mirror.


"You guys saw a carousel?" Malia asks as me, her and Lydia sit in front of a laptop in the library. "And a big sign that said Canaan." Lydia says and I nod slightly. "And people disappearing in clouds of glowing green smoke." I add making Malia furrow her eyebrows.

"Do you guys get to have nice dreams?" She asks and me and Lydia glance at each other. "No. We need to go to Canaan." I say and Lydia nods while Malia looks at the laptop. "It would be helpful if we knew anything about the place. I keep calling the number for City Hall, and no one answers." Lydia says and Malia shakes her head slightly as she reads something.

"The only map I can find it on is thirty years old. So far, the only thing about I know about Canaan is where it is." She says as she unfolds a map and points at a spot she circled. I sigh and look at Malia with raised eyebrows.

Teen Wolf: Alexis McCallWhere stories live. Discover now