Status Asthmaticus.*

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Alexis's POV

I drove for a few minutes before my phone starts ringing making me glance down to see Stiles calling me. "Stiles?" I answer worriedly as he's quiet for a couple of seconds. "Can you come pick me up?" He asks lowly.

A few minutes later, I pull up to where Stiles is and see a tow truck hooking up the Jeep. A few seconds later, Stiles climbs into the passenger side as the tow truck drives off. "Can they fix it?" I ask as I start driving and Stiles sighs. "There's not enough duct tape in the world to fix that thing." He says and I smile softly.

"Maybe you should try something other than duct tape?" I suggest and he sighs again, shaking his head. "It's got a bad alternator, you know...needs all new belts...transmission's going...the break pads are basically metal on metal..." he explains and I nod slightly.

"You know, when I turn eighteen, I get my inheritance money from my grandfathers will, I don't mind paying for the Jeep to be completely fixed." I tell him honestly and he shakes his head. "I don't want you to spend all your money on me." He says and I smile softly. "It's a lot of money, I'll have loads left over." I say and he shakes his head slightly. "Still, I don't want you to spend your money on me."

"Am I taking you home?" I ask and he sighs. "No, Sheriffs station. I gotta talk to dad." He says and I glance at him before nodding.


I pull up to the sheriffs station and Stiles stares at the building for a moment. "You want me to go in with you?" I ask. "No, it's okay. It's probably going to take a while." He says and I nod slightly. "Are you going to tell him about..." I trail off making him sigh and look down.

"Hey." I say making him look at me. "You know that what happened doesn't make me love you any less, right? It doesn't matter what you do, nothing will change how I feel for you." I say and he sighs softly. "It matters to me." He says. "I uh- I think I need to be alone...for a while." He says before climbing out of the car.

I sit in the car with furrowed eyebrows as Stiles' words slowly sink into my head making me shake my head. "Yeah, no." I say before getting out and walking into the station. A deputy looks up and recognises me before nodding to Noah's office, that have the blinds closed. "He's in there." She tells me making me nod.

"Did you just break up with me?" I ask, walking into the office, shutting the door behind me and locking it as Stiles look at me and sigh. "Lex-" he starts but I hold my hand up. "Shut up. We are not breaking up, Stiles. I am not going to let you distance yourself from me or tear yourself apart because of what happened. Talk to me, Stiles, don't push me away." I say before sitting down next to him.

Stiles sighs softly, looking down at the floor for a moment. "I killed someone, Lex. I'm a murderer. A-A monster. You shouldn't want to even be with me anymore." He says as he looks up at me when glossy eyes and I shake my head.

"You're not a murderer or a monster, Stiles. You're human." I tell him as I grab his hands. "Listen, if you're a monster then so am I. I mean, I snapped Brunski's neck in front of you because I was angry. But were using self-defence, he was trying to kill you, Stiles. And I don't know what I would've have done if he're only human, Stiles." I say, with glossy eyes as he looks down at our hands.

"Donovan was a Chimera, a Wendigo chimera at that. Only one of you guys would have walked out that library that night, and I'm glad it was you." I say, squeezing his hand before gently cupping his face making him look at me. "Stop thinking of yourself as a murderer and start thinking of yourself as a survivor. Because that's what your are, Stiles. And all you need to remember is I love you. More than anything." I tell him.

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