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Stiles' POV

Me and Lexi walk up to Scott who is peaking around the corner of a nightclub. "You see where he went?" I ask and Scott sighs, shaking his head. "I lost him." He tells us. "You didn't catch his scent?" Lexi asks and Scott looks at her. "I don't think he has one."

"Alright, any clue where he's going?" I ask. "To kill someone." Lexi says and Scott nods in agreement. "Ah. That explains the claws, the fangs, and all that. Good. Makes perfect sense now." I say sarcastically making Lexi and Scott raise their eyebrows at me. "What? Guys, come on! I'm one hundred and forty-seven pounds of pale skin and fragile bone - sarcasm is my only defence!" I exclaim and Lexi chuckles.

"You're too cute." She says making me smile bashfully at her. "Just help me find it." Scott says. "Not 'it' - Jackson." I correct. "Yeah. I know. I-I know." He stutters.

"Does he know that? Did anybody else see him back at our house?" Lexi asks and Scott sighs, shaking his head. "I don't think so. And he's already passed Derek's test anyway." He says. "Yeah, but that's just the thing - how did he past the test?" I ask and Scott just shakes his head. "I don't know."

"Well..." Lexi says making us look at her. "What if it's like an either-or thing? Derek said that a snake can't be poisoned by its own venom, right? So when is a Kanima not a Kanima?" She asks making me and Scott look at her in realisation.

"When it's Jackson." Scott says looking at Lexi and then at me but my gaze is focused on something else. "Guys. See that?" I say and then nod to the roof of the club where a tail arcs into the moonlight. The Kanima's body glides into view and then darts down through an air conditioning vent.

"He's inside." Scott says. "What's he gonna do in there?" I ask before Lexi and Scott snap their heads up. "We know who's he's after." Scott says making me look at him. "What? How? Did you smell something?" I ask. "Armani." Lexi and Scott say in unison before we look over to see Danny at the front of the line.

Sloping around to the back alley of the club, we locate the rear door but when I try the handle, it's locked. "Maybe there's a window we could climb through-" I start, looking around before a metallic crunching interrupts me and Lexi hands me the handle to the door. "Or a handle that a very beautiful girl can rip off with super human strength. How did I not think of that?" I ask making Lexi chuckle.

Under the pulsing boom of the house music and the flashing laser lights, the three of us try to blend in. "Dude, everyone here is a dude. I think this is a gay club." Scott says as he and Lexi turn around to find me surrounded by a group of drag queens. "Nothing gets past those keen werewolf senses, does it?" I ask sarcastically.

Lexi walks over and grabs my hand, pulling me away from them. "Sorry, this one's mine." She tells them and they smile at her. "Oh, I love your hair." One of them says. "Yeah, and your dress. Really brings out your hourglass figure." Another one says making Lexi smile at them. "Thank you." She says before I pull her away.

"Three beers." I say to the bartender making Lexi frown at me. "Water, please." She says and the bartender smiles at her, before looking at me and Scott. "I.D's?" He asks and we pull out our drivers licences making Lexi sigh. "How about two cokes?"

"Rum and coke? Sure!" I say and Lexi pinches my arm. "Cokes fine, actually. I'm driving, anyway." I say and the guy gestures to a different bartender who comes over a few seconds later with two cokes and a water. "This one's paid for." He says gesturing at Scott's drink before gesturing to a guy across the bar.

Scott turn to us, smiling with pride as Lexi laughs. "Shut up." I grumble. "I didn't say anything." Scott defends, slightly chuckling. "Your face did." I pout before Lexi nudges me. "Found Danny." She says before nodding over to where Danny is dancing.

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