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Alexis's POV

Under the light of an almost full moon, me and Scott follow behind Stiles down a dark path through the woods. "Where are we going?" Scott asks. "You'll see." Stiles says, giving us a completely vague answer. "Cause me and Lexi really shouldn't be out here. Our mom is in a constant state of freak-out after what happened at the school." Scott says.

"Well, your mom isn't the sheriff, okay? There's no compression, trust me." Stiles argues. "Can you at least tell us what we're doing out here?" I ask him and he turns to us. "When one of your best friends gets dumped-" he starts but Scott cuts him off. "I didn't get dumped. We're taking a break." He says firmly. "When your best friends gets told by his girlfriend that they're taking a break - you get him drunk." He says pulling out a bottle of Jack Daniels.

After a while, the bottle is now half empty. No telling how much time has passed but long enough for Stiles to get completely wasted. The three of us try to keep warm around a steel trash can with a fire blazing inside as I sit with one of Stiles' hoodies on. "Dude, she's one girl. There are plenty more girls in the sea." Stiles slurs.

"Fish in the sea." Scott corrects making Stiles look at him confused. "Fish? Why are you talking about fish? I'm talking about girls. I love girls. I love 'em. I love especially ones with long brown hair, green eyes, 5'5..." Stiles trails off making me and Scott smirk at each other. "Like Lexi?" Scott questions as I watch amused.

"Exactly! How did you know what I was talking about...what was I talking about?" Stiles asks before noticing Scott's expression. "You don't look happy. Drink." He says holding up the bottle. "I don't want anymore." Scott shakes his head. "You're not drunk?" Stiles asks. "I'm not anything." Scott says as he stares into the fire. "Maybe it's not like you need your inhaler anymore. Maybe you and Lex can't get drunk anymore." Stiles suggests.

"We can't. Werewolves can't get drunk." I inform. "Lex! When did you get here?" Stiles gasps with a smile on his face. "Am I drunk, Lex?" He asks me as I chuckle. "You're wasted, Sti." I say making him cheer and hold his fist out for a fist bump making me shake my head but fist bump him anyway.

"Come on, dude. I know it feels bad. I know it hurts. I know...well, I don't know. But I know this, I know that as much as being broken up hurts, being alone is way worse...that didn't make any sense. I need a drink." Stiles says but suddenly a couple of men grab the bottle from him.

"Well, look at these three little bitches getting their drink on." One of them says making me roll my eyes and turn to them. "That was so funny." I say sarcastically. "Give it back." I tell him firmly making him raise his eyebrows at me.

"What was that, sweetheart?" He says in a slight flirtatious tone, looking me up and down and Scott slightly growls, moving to stand next to me. "She said give it back." He demands making me look over at him, slightly confused by the way he's acting. "I think he wants a drink." Another guy says making the first one laugh. "I want the bottle." Scott growls.

"Scott, maybe we should just go..." Stiles says, obviously not wanting any trouble. "You brought me here to get me drunk, Stiles. I'm not drunk yet." Scott says as I pull Stiles up, his hand gripping mine tightly. The first guy challenges Scott by taking a swig and when he lowers the bottle, he eyes Scott with a satisfied smile. But it fades when Scott stands up taller. "Give me the bottle."

The man looks to his friend but his friend is no longer laughing. Something unnerving about Scott's total calm demeanour. Then, as the guy raises the bottle to take another sip, Scott steps closer and his eyes change, burning with golden yellow. "Scott-"

"Give me. The bottle. Of Jack." Scott demands. Staring into Scott's yellow eyes, the guy slowly and shakily holds the bottle out. I notice Scott's hand, seeing his claws extending. His fingers tense as if preparing to swipe at the guys neck.

Teen Wolf: Alexis McCallWhere stories live. Discover now