Damnatio Memoriae.

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Alexis's POV

"This is the relay station's security camera." Parrish says before handing Scott his phone as me and him watch the video. Both of our eyes widen as we watch a beast like creature bust out of the building and run after Liam and Hayden in the woods.

"That looked big." Scott says and Parrish nods. "And too fast for anyone to get a good look at it." He says and I nod slightly. "Big and fast. Amazing." I mutter sarcastically before noticing the look on Scott's face. "You know what it is, don't you?" I ask. "The last chimera." He says as he looks back at the building.

Parrish leads the two of us into the relay station and we walk down the steps until we get to the ground floor, where we find the space completely wrecked- power cables have been ripped apart and are showering sparks onto the floor, and equipment and cabinets of all kinds have been smashed or knocked over.

I notice a puddle of blood and water on the floor near the wall where the technician as killed the previous night, and I kneel next to it, smelling a distinctive smell before I turn to Parrish. "Jordan, you still got a black light?" I ask and he nods, talking the small UV light from his belt before handing it to me.

I turn it on and shine it over the puddle, revealing dark shadows of modified mercury before glancing back at them with a sigh. "Mercury means chimera." I say and Parrish looks both horrified and confused. "But what was it doing here? Why come here and kill some random communications tech?" He asks and Scott signs as I stand up.

"Maybe it just likes to kill. Maybe it's what it does." Scott says and Parrish's eyes widen slightly. "...that's terrifying." He mumbles and I nod in agreement. "Parrish, how many bodies do you actually see when you dream about the Nemeton?" Scott asks and Parrish frowns, sighing before he finally answers.



I stand next to Scott in his room, looking at his own version of a crime board. "What do you think?" Scott asks and I tilt my head slightly. "It's...average." I say making him give me an exasperated look. "Thanks, sis. Way to boost my confidence for my first crime board." He says and I give him a sarcastic smile.

I glance down and nod to his arm. "You have string stuck on your sleeve." I tell him making him look down to see red yarn from the board stick to his jacket. He pulls his arm back and the sounds of papers falling makes him close his eyes and sigh while I laugh quietly.

About half the stuff on the board has fallen off making him sigh in frustration and pull the yarn off before looking over at me. "For an alpha, you're not very aware." I slightly dig before I bend down and start helping him pick up the stuff.

It's quiet for a moment before Scott sighs and looks at me. "I'm sorry. For the other day. I should have listened to you." He says and I nod. "Yeah, you should have. And I'm not the one you should be apologising to, you should be talking to Stiles." I tell him.

"I know, but I'm pretty sure he wants nothing to do with me. Hell, I'm surprised you're even talking. You were really pissed." He says and I nod. "And I still am. You made a huge mistake with Stiles and other stupid ones with the rest of us." I say before giving him a pointed look. "You need to make up with Stiles, maybe then I'll think about accepting your apology." I tell him before I get up and walk out of his room.


Stiles' POV

"Don't break it like the one you broke in sophomore year." Lexi says as me and her stand in front of a vending machine in the hospital. "I thought you forgot about that." I grumble as I give an exasperated look making her smile innocently at me.

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