Condition Terminal.

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Stiles' POV

Me, Scott, Theo and Deaton all run into the station and the first thing we notice is the smear of blood and then deputy Clark helping my dad up. Scott rushes over to help while I follow the blood to find Lexi, Lydia and Kira. Lexi's stomach is covered in blood, unhealed, as she holds Lydia's hand as purple veins travel up her arm while black blood runs down her nose and drips from her mouth.

I freeze as I stare at my girl, scared at why she's not healing. Theo notices and runs over to Lydia, pulling his belt off and wraps it around Lydia's waist tightly. He then turns to Lexi and grabs her arm softly. "Lexi, stop. You're hurting yourself more." He tells her and she shakes her head. "I'm fine." She says, her tone of voice painful.

"Stiles." Theo calls me making me look at him. "She needs you." He tells him and I suck in a deep breath before I crouch down beside Lexi. "Lex..." I say softly making her look at me. "She's okay. You need to stop. You're not healing." I tell her as I grab her hand and release it from Lydia's hand.

"You need to heal, baby." I tell her. "I'm trying." She says painfully. I gently move her move her forward before laying her back against my chest. "It's's okay." I tell her softly as I grab her hands and move them over her wound. She lets out a few painfully gasps before she starts to heal, her breathing evening out.

Soctt runs in and sees Lydia making his eyes widen before he looks over at Lexi and he gasps in shock. "Sis?" He questions. "I'm- I'm okay. You need to help Tracy." She tells him and he looks at me. "I've got her." I tell before he runs off.


"Hey." Scott says making me turn to see Lexi walking over with Melissa. I instantly get and wrap my arms around her tightly. "You okay?" I ask worried and she nods. "Yeah, I didn't heal fully so a nurse had to give me stitches." She says and I nod, keeping my arm around her shoulders.

"How bad is Lydia?" Kira asks. "Could have been worse. Theo, nice going on that tourniquet and Lexi, you taking all that pain from guys probably saved her life." Melissa says making Lexi glance at Theo.

"Alright. She's about to go into surgery, so it's going to be a while. Any other supernatural details that I need to know about, or do we just stitch her up and hope for the best?" Melissa asks glancing around at all of us. "It was the tail." Kira says making Melissa look over at her and Scott nods. "Yeah, Tracy cut her and Lexi with her tail, if that makes a difference."

"Okay." Melissa says before giving Lexi a small smile and walks away. "But it wasn't just Tracy. There were others- the guys in the masks." Malia suddenly says making us look at her confused.

"What men in masks?"


"You sure you're okay?" I ask worried as we walk into Lexi's room. "Melissa said the cuts were pretty deep. You might not be able to heal the scar." I say and she narrows her eyes at me slightly. "Are the scars gonna make me hot?" She asks and I give her a look. "You're already hot but is now really the time for jokes?" I ask and she sighs.

"Probably not...just trying to get my mind of Lydia." She says as she walks into her bathroom as I follow her and lean against the doorframe. She bends down slightly to take her dress off but groans in pain making her stand up straight.

I walk over and grab the hem of her dress and slowly lift it off her before kissing her shoulder and gently wrap my arms around her. "This is gonna be a pain in the ass if I need to fight someone or something." She says as she leans her head back on my shoulder making me chuckle. "Then don't get into any situations where you have to fight." I say and she raises her eyebrows. "Easier said than done." She says before turning my arms.

"Are you gonna stay tonight?" She asks and I nod making her smile and raise her eyebrows. "Wanna watch Star Wars?" She asks and I look at her like it's obvious. "Duh." I say making her laugh as I pull her into a kiss.


"Did you get in to see Lydia?" Scott asks as me, Lexi and Malia run over to him in the library. "Yeah, she's still in the ICU and no one outside family is allowed in. But Parrish managed to sneak me in." Lexi says and Scott nods as Malia set the bestiary on the table.

"Anything in here about half-werewolves, half-kanimas?" Kira asks as she starts flipping through the pages. "The Chimera." Scott says making me look at him confused. "Uh, what?" I ask and Scott looks up at me. "Chimera. It's a creature made from incongruous parts." He explains and Lexi nods in agreement. "AP bio?" She asks and he nods. "Yeah, and if Liam said he found two burial sights, it means Tracy's not the only one."

"Who's the second Chimera?" Kira asks, glancing at all of us. "And why would they bury them?" I ask. "Deaton thinks it's part of their process." Scott says and Malia nods slightly. "The people in masks." She says.


Alexis's POV

I sigh before looking up from the mythology book I'm reading from. "What time is it?" I ask and Malia looks at her phone. "Almost eight." She says and I sigh, nodding. "Okay, we should probably get going." I say before looking at Stiles and sighing softly when I see he's passed out, mumbling slightly.

"Stiles, wake up and go home." I say as I slightly lean against his back as Malia packs up her stuff. "I'll meet you at your house in a bit." I kiss the side of head and he just mumbles slightly making me shake my head. I glance at Malia before grabbing my bag and we walk down the stairs.

"Can you drive me to Tracy's?" Malia suddenly asks as we walk outside. "Why do you want to go to Tracy's house?" I ask as we walk over to my car.

"I want to see if there's anything else there." She tells me and I nod slightly. "How about you drive?" I ask, holding up the keys and Malia's eyes widen. "You want me to drive?" She asks and I nod. "Practice makes perfect." I say and Malia slowly takes the keys.


"Okay, go forward some until our front wheel has lined up with that cars back wheel." I instruct as I look out the window and Malia pulls forward slowly. "Turn the wheel to the left." I say. "Back up slowly." I say and Malia starts backing up very slowly. "Start straightening out the wheel." I tell her. "Pull up a little." I say and Malia does. "And stop." I say and she puts the parking break on.

I get out of the car and step back, before looking at Malia proudly. "You just successfully parallel parked." I say making Malia smile proudly before getting out. We walk into the house and walk to Tracy's room as Malia sits down on the bed why I lean against the wall.

Malia stands up making me look over to see her looking at the pictures on Tracy's walls. "You know it's not your fault right?" I say making Malia look at me with glossy eyes. "You tried to save her, you did the best you could." I say and she sucks in a shaky breath before something catches her eye. She walks over the the desk and picks up a book that has a note on it.

'Here's the book you asked for. Cheesy stuff, but still a fun, scary read.'

Malia pulls of the note before gasping softly. "Lexi." She says making me walk over to her. "This is them. These are the men in the masks that killed Tracy." She says showing me the book. "The Dread Doctors." I read as I take the book.

All the sudden, my eyes flash purple and Malia raises her eyebrows. "What do you see?" She asks as I glance around. "I see Tracy on an old operating table...they're experimenting on her..." I say before my eyes go back to normal and me and Malia glance at each other.

"We need to show this to the others."

Teen Wolf: Alexis McCallWhere stories live. Discover now