Riders On The Storm.*

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Alexis's POV

"Stiles! Keep going! I can see you, Stiles!" I yell as the light fades. Soon enough, the light is all gone and all that is left behind is an empty tunnel. "Stiles?" I call out as a tear drops down my face. "Lexi?" Lydia asks softly and I turn to look at them.

"Where is he? It was working. You saw him, right?" I ask and Malia shakes her head. "We didn't see anyone." She says making me sigh and glance back at the tunnel. "He was here. I know it. Stiles was here. I saw him." I say as more tears run down my face.

Lydia sighs softly and grabs my hand, giving it a gentle squeeze before pulling me back into the bunker. "I'm gonna punch something." I mumble as Lydia leads me to a seat. "Don't punch anything. Most of the stuff in here will probably break your hand." She says as I nod and glance around. "I'll heal." I say, shrugging.

Scott sighs softly and went to close the door but someone suddenly grabs it making us spin around. "Liam!" Me and Scott exclaim in shock as Liam glances at all of us. "There's something you need to see." He tells us.

"You're still here..."

"But everyone else is gone. All of them- they're all gone. Look, you have to come with me." Liam says panicked and Scott raises his eyebrows. "What is it?" He asks. "I can't explain it. I have to show you." Liam tells him and Scott nods before turning to us. "Uh...alright. You guys stay here. Just in case." He says making us raise our eyebrows at him.

"In case Stiles comes back?" Malia asks and Scott nods. "If there's any hope, you need to keep trying." He says before walking out and shutting the door behind him.

I sigh before shaking my head. "This is bullshit." I mutter as I stand up and walk to the door. "What are you doing?" Malia asks and I glance back at her and Lydia. "We're going to find Stiles." I tell them as I open the door and Lydia raises her eyebrows.

"Scott told us to stay just in case he shows up here." She says and I shake my head. "Stiles isn't coming here. If he was, he would've and he hasn't, so he's not. He probably doesn't even know about this place. Okay? I know I saw him." I say and Malia nods slightly. "And you're never wrong about these things." She says making me and Lydia share a look.

"Well, I wouldn't say 'never'..." I trail off and Lydia raises her eyebrows at me. "But right now?" She asks and I take a deep breath. "Right now, I'm not wrong. Stiles is out there. I can feel it." I say and Malia nods. "Then what are we doing standing here?"


"This looks fresh." Lydia says as we look at the tire marks on the ground outside the school. "It's from Stiles' Jeep. It must of left." Malia says making Lydia look at her confused.

"Without his keys?" She asks and I shrug. "Well, half the time he got it started with a screwdriver." I tell her. "Then he's here. We have to tell Scott." Lydia says and Malia bends down to help her stand up.

"We should probably tell Scott about that, too." She says before walking off making me and Malia follow her. Next to the school sign, is train tracks that are leading into the school. "Well, that's new. Let's see where they lead." I say before walking in the direction of the tracks.

We follow them until it leads us to the library. We open the doors and walk in before freezing. The library has completely changed. There are no more book shelves or tables on the first floor. They are all replaced by benches with people sitting on them. "Why is there a train station in the middle of the library?" Malia asks and me and Lydia sigh. "There's also a train station in the Wild Hunt."

"Any chance they're connected?" Malia asks and I nod. "I would say definitely. One hundred percent." I say as we start walking around. "If there's a train station, then there's probably a train." Malia says and I nod. "And if there's a train...it's going to the Wild Hunt."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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