Maid Of Gévaudan.

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Stiles' POV

Lexi bursts through the school doors, me and Hayden, who are holding a gravely injured Liam, following behind her. The three of us pause for a brief moment when we hear the Beast roaring behind us making me and Lexi look at each other in alarm.

"Come on." She says before leading us down the hall until we reach the biology classroom. "In here!" She throws the door open, holding it open until we get in. She quickly runs past us, pushing everything off the desk so we can Liam flat on his back on top of it.

"Liam?" Hayden asks and Liam groans slightly. "I'm okay! I'm fine." He says. Lexi pulls away some of his shirt so we can look at his wounds. "Jesus." Lexi mutters as she looks at his torso high has been ripped to bloody shreds by the Beast.

Lexi's eyes widen as she looks up at me and Hayden. Hayden puts her hand over her mouth to muffle her alarm, and I feel like I'm about to faint or throw up. Liam sees the concern on face and tries to sit up to see for himself, only to fall backwards weakly. "What? Is it bad?"

"No." "Very." "Yes."

Me, Lexi and Hayden all say at the same time making Hayden give me and Lexi an exasperated look. "Okay. Okay. What do you guys usually do when this happens?" She asks and I suck in a deep breath. "Oh, I usually pass out...and I think I might still do that..." I say and Lexi slaps me making me look at her in shock.

"Hey! No passing out. Concentrate." She says and I nod, slightly stunned as she turns to Hayden. "You need to help me take his pain." She says, grabbing Liams arm and Hayden nods.

"Take away his pain..." she mumbles before quickly leaning forward and kissing Liam, and he seems to calm as black veins travel from his face to hers. I look shocked and impressed while Lexi grips his hand tightly, purple veins travelling up her arm.

They eventually pull away and Liam lays back in the table, more comfortable. "Okay. Next time, I'll kiss him." I mutter making Lexi and Hayden chuckle. Lexi grabs Liams forearm and breaks it, making him groan in pain. "Heal."


In a French tavern is full of talking and drinking patrons as one of the employees, Bernard, takes a large poster that reads, 'Recerché: La Bête', and pins it to a nearby wall.

But, while he's searching for the pin, a crossbow bolt flies across the room and pins the poster to the wall and Bernard looks alarmed for a second before looking at the source to see Marie-Jeanne, sitting at the bar with her crossbow, giving him an amused look. Bernard smiles and bows to her.

"Merci, Marie-Jeanne." He says and she smiles as Bernard returns to the bar where she re-reads a letter from her brother. When Bernard sees her despondent expression, he gives her a reassuring look.

"Don't give up hope." He tells her and she smiles softly as someone walks up behind her. "Is that a letter from Sebastien?" They ask making Marie-Jeanne turn around to see her life long friend and knife specialist, Rénee, standing there with a soft smile. "If you must know, yes it is." Marie-Jeanne says making Rénee's eyes widen.

"Is he okay?" She asks, sitting down and trying to read the letter but Marie-Jeanne moves it away. "You only want to read it because you're in love with him." She says and Rénee jaw fall slightly. "I am not!" She defends but Marie-Jeanne just raises her eyebrows knowingly. "You are and have been since we were young. And so has he."

Rénee smiles slightly and goes to say something but stops when they hear Monsieur Tolbert and a man arguing about something. "Her name was Agnes. She was eleven years old. Eleven. Torn limb-from-limb. There wasn't enough of her for a proper burial." The man says and Tolbert rolls his eyes.

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