A Novel Approach.

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Alexis's POV

"The Dread Doctors by T.R McCammon." Lydia reads as me, her and Malia walk into school. Lydia slows down to a stop as she looks at the book making me and Malia almost run into her. "What?" I ask and Lydia stop stares at the cover as she starts walking again. "I don't know. There's something about it...has anyone actually read it yet?"

"Just me, and I didn't understand any of it." Malia says and I nod. "We should probably all read it." I say and Malia nods in agreement. "Kira's working on that." She says and I nod as we walk up to Malia's locker. "Stiles says he can't find anything on the author. He thinks it's a pen name." She says as I now look at book before turning it over to read the back again.

"In a small New England town, teenagers are taken in the night and buried alive. Days later, they emerge transformed, wreaking havoc and spreading terror, commanded by an ancient order of parascientists know only as the Dread Doctors." I read as Lydia hums, nodding. "Sounds familiar." She says and I nod.

"How does it end?" She asks and Malia shakes her head. "It doesn't. This is supposed to be Volume One." She says making Lydia hum. "Oh, let me guess- there is no Volume Two?" She asks and I sigh. "With our track record? We're probably living Volume Two."

"Then maybe the real question is...is this a novel or someone's prediction?"


"Why is your heart beating so fast?" Malia suddenly asks as she turns around in her seat, making me look over at Lydia who is looking at the book. "Look at this. Look at the 'Acknowledgments' page." She says holding the book out for us to read.

"For providing scientific perspective and invaluable insight...this book is dedicated to Dr. Gabriel Valack." I read them close my eyes and sigh. "Wonderful." I mumble sarcastically.


Stiles' POV

"Lex, I'm going with you." I say, grabbing my jacket as Lexi stands in my doorway. "I thought you were sick." She says and I purse my lips. "I'm slightly under the weather..." I say and she hums, clearly not believing me.

"You don't have to come. Malia's not coming either." She says and I look at crazy. "Malia's not going because she knows that place is a nightmare asylum of insanity and death, okay? Let's go." I put my jacket on and wince slightly making her squint at me. "What was that?"

"What was what?"

"You winced."

"I have a bad elbow." I say and she raises her eyebrows. "It was your shoulder." She corrects. "Pain radiates. It does that." I defend and go to walk out the door but she moves in front of me making me sigh. "Baby, you are not going without me. You remember what happened to Deaton when he talked to Valack?"

"Scott, Lydia and Kira are going to be there." She says shrugging. "Okay, I'm not letting you go to a place where one of the orderlies almost killed you and so did a patient." I say making her look at me crazy. "They almost killed you, too! And let's not forget everything else that happened there." She says.

"And we're both still alive. See? Teamwork." I go to walk past her again but she stops me...again. "What's going on?" She asks softly making me look at her. "Nothing." I say and she grabs my hand.

"Something is. I know you, Stiles. I know when you're not telling me something." She says and I sigh softly, glancing down at the floor. "You know me that well?" I ask and she raises her eyebrows at me. "I have known you half my life and I have spent pretty much everyday with you since. I know that if you are sick, to the point where you start feeling a little bit under the weather, you always call me round for cuddles because you claim and I quote, 'they heal the sickness out of you.' And I can feel the wound on your shoulder, Stiles. What's going on?" She asks and I sigh.

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