Ice Rink.

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Stiles' POV

"I'm surprised the school had enough money to even think about getting this." Lexi says as she stares up at the rock climbing wall that is in the middle of the gym. I stand next to Lexi as Lydia stands on her other side as we watch Allison and Scott climb the wall.

"How much are you willing to bet that Scott is going to fall?" Lexi asks as she lays her chin on my shoulder and I smirk. "He won't fall, he's better than that." I whisper and she raises her eyebrows. "Twenty bucks that Scott's going to fall." She whispers back, holding her hand out and I nod, shaking her hand. "Deal."

A few seconds later, Allison kicks Scott's feet out from under him making him fall. Lexi laughs as I groan. "I am now twenty bucks richer." She says making me roll my eyes and suppress a smile. "Alright, next two! Erica and Alexis!" Coach calls.

Once Erica and Lexi get their gear on, Lexi looks over at Eric's worriedly, knowing the girl is epileptic. "Hey." She says making Erica look at her. "You know you can stop whenever, right? Want me to climb at the same pace?" She asks and Erica takes a deep breath, looking back at the wall and shake her head. "No, I'll be okay." She says softly but Lexi still looks at her worriedly. "Are you sure?" She asks and Erica nods as Coach blows his whistle.

Lexi sighs and starts climbing up the wall, keeping a slow pace as she glances at Erica. "Erica? You okay? Dizzy? Vertigo?" Coach calls up making Lexi looking down to see Erica has stopped moving. "I'm fine!" Erica calls as Lexi moves back down next to her. "Hey, do you feel one coming?" She asks and Erica shakes her head. "I'm okay."

"Erica, y-you're fine. Just kick off from the wall. There's a mat to catch you." Coach calls up but Erica shakes her head. "I-I can't." She whispers as Lexi gently grabs her arm. "Hey, hold onto me and we'll both go down. It'll be okay." She says and Erica nods, grabbing Lexi's arm while Lexi wraps her arm around Erica's waist.

Carefully, Lexi kicks off the wall making Erica grip her tightly as they slowly lower down until their feet hit the mat. She helps Erica out of her harness and smiles softly at her. "You're okay." She says as Lydia walks over to help Lexi out of her harness.

"That's it, Erica. Shake it off!" Coach says as Erica nods and walks over to the doors as other students snicker at her. "Hey!" Lexi calls making them flinch as they look at her. "Mind shutting the fuck up before I make you?" She snaps as I smirk at her.


"Come on, man. Have you seen the piece of crap Jeep I drive?" I ask Boyd as Lexi walks over to us. "You seen the piece of crap bus I take?" Boyd says making Lexi chuckle and pulls fifty bucks out of her bag. She grabs the twenties off the table and hands seventy dollars to Boyd. "An extra forty for having to deal with Stiles Stilinski." She says making me frown and Boyd grins, handing her the keys.

"I'll see you in history, Boyd!" She smiles and drags me over to where Scott is sitting. "We got 'em. I'll pick you up tonight after work and we'll meet at the rink. Cool?" I say siting down but Scott isn't paying attention to us.

We follow his gaze to the doors which slowly push open. The noise quietens down around us and the entire cafeteria turns their heads to see Erica walking past the crowd, catching everyone eye with a new found confidence. She reaches over to grab some guys apple, taking a bite before smirking over at us and walking out.

Walking up to the table, Lydia slams her hands down onto the table. "What. The. Holy hell. Is that?" She asks. "That's Erica." Scott says as Erica walks out of the cafeteria. A few seconds later, me, Lexi and Scott shoot us and run after her.

The doors clatter open to the parking lot and the three of us rush out of school just in time to see a very disturbing sight. Erica sliding into the passengers seat of a black Camaro. Behind the wheel, Derek locks eyes with Scott. With a slight smile turning at the corner of his lips, he hits the gas, flooring it out of the lot.

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