Party Guessed.

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Alexis's POV

I slow to a stop outside of Matt's house, and he unbuckles his seat belt. "Hey, is there something going on with you and Isaac?" He asks. "Not really?" I say unsurely and he chuckles. "Not really. God, I hate not really's. You never not what to do with not really." He says and I nod.

"Would you understand if I said it was kinda complicated?" I ask but he shakes his head. "Not really. But, I'll try." He says before smiling at me and climbing out. I lock the car and settle back with a worried sigh before reaching for the gear shift. I pause when I notice Matts bag lying on the front seat and when I pull it up by it's strap, his camera falls out onto the seat.

I pick up the camera to put it back in the bag when my thumb accidentally hits a button and the screen comes on. I look over a picture of the Beacon Hills lacrosse game, the stadium light arcing out over the players. I click the next picture to see another good shot. But the next one is a picture of Scott, his eyes glowing making me sit up alarmed. I click to another picture of Scott, same thing. And then the next...

...Is a picture of me.

The picture is a candid, obviously taken when I wasn't looking. I click onto the next which another picture of me. I become more and more unnerved at the pictures that I never even realised he was around for. Yet another picture of me, this one taken at school.

Heart pounding in my ears, I keep clicking. One photo after another, dozens of them, possibly hundreds. Even pictures from outside my bedroom window. Suddenly knuckles rap against my passenger side window making me jump, nearly dropping the camera. I look up as Matt smiles at me, mouthing 'open the window.'

I hesitate and a metal think comes from outside as Matt tries the door handle. He points again, still smiling. I hit the window button, lowering it. "Forgot my bag." He tells me and I nod. "Yeah." I whisper.

I keep my finger on the window button as Matt reaches in, scooping his camera into the bag. Hands wrapped around the strap, he doesn't pull his arm out yet. "Some god pics on there, you think?" He asks and I smile a little. "Yeah, the lacrosse ones are really good. You're really talented. I-I was impressed." I tell him.

"There's a good candid of you on there, too." He says making my eyebrows raise nervously. "Really?" I ask and he nods. "I mean, this- this tiny little screen doesn't really do it justice. But, uh, I could show you some on my computer." He suggests as I take a deep breath, giving him a fake smile.

"Maybe another night." I say and he shrugs slightly. "Well, just for a few minutes?" He says and I shake my head. "It's getting late." I say and he raises his eyebrows. "It's the weekend." He says and I nod. "I know. I-I just..." I stutter. "And, it's spring break. I mean, you don't have anything going on you?" He asks.

"It's just...I've volunteered to help a friend at his veterinary practice for experience. And Lydia's birthday is coming up in a few days so I'm going to be round hers after to help plan it. I really should get going." I ramble and he raises his eyebrows. "You sure?" He asks and I nod.

"I'm sure." I say and he shrugs, nodding. "Okay." He says before pulling his arm out and I instantly drive off.


I walk into my room and instantly walk over to my window, making sure it's closed and locked before shutting the curtains. I take a deep breath before I sigh. "Isaac." I say as I turn around to see him leaning against the wall. I shake my head, walking over to my closest.

"I'm really not in the mood right now." I say as I pull out some pyjamas. "Why is your heart racing so much?" He asks me. "Maybe because everyone keeps sneaking into my room." I reply. "That's not it." He says as he gently grabs my arm and turns me to face him.

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