The Last Chimera.

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Alexis's POV

Stiles start to doze off in the hospital lobby when I walk over to him and sit down next to him. "Hey, babe. You need to get up. Come on, you gotta get up." I say as I gently grab his shoulder making him jump awake and look at me.

"Mom said he's okay. Dr Greyer is stitching him up right now." I tell him and he nods. "Okay. I wanna see him." He says and goes to stand up but I stop him. "Mom said the anaesthesia needs to wear off first. It's gonna be at least two hours." I tell him making him sigh softly and nod.

"Okay, yeah, but everything's gonna be okay, though? I mean, he's okay?" He asks and I nod, grabbing his hand. "Yeah. He's gonna be okay." I say and he nods, sighing in relief. "Oh, thank god." He mutters as he kisses the top of my hand.


I stand next to Stiles as we talk with mom and Dr Greyer through a door. "What do you mean, 'you don't know'? Two hours ago, he was fine! Now it looks like someone took a baseball bat to his neck." Stiles stresses. "There could've been some minor internal-" Dr Greyer tried to explain but Stiles cut him off. 

"Did you say 'minor internal'? Since when is anything internal, minor?"


"I need to know what's going on with him, okay? Dr Greyer, somebody needs to tell me what's happening. Somebody needs to tell me what's happening to him!"

"We don't know..."

Just as Stiles goes to argue further, the elevator at the end of the hall dings and we look over to see Scott stepping out and is looking through the window of Noah's door. Stiles immediately forgets about his argument with the doctor and lunges towards Scott, yelling at him as he grabs his shirt and slams him against the wall.

Scott does nothing to defend himself and allows Stiles to tackle him to the ground. Stiles slams Scott's back against the floor and pins him down. "Where were you?! You trusted him? You believed him? Right? Huh, so, WHERE WERE YOU?!"

Me, mom and Dr Greyer rush over to the two of them and Dr Greyer pulls Stiles away as mom helps Scott up. Stiles struggles against Dr Greyers hold and attempt to lunge for Scott again, still yelling. "Where the hell where you?!!" He yells.

I run in front of him and grab his arms. "Baby, baby! Calm down." I tell him and the second Stiles realises he's making a scene, he stops attempting to break form Dr Greyers grip, although still furious, but still lets me hold his arms.

Scott looks at Stiles with an apologetic expression, visibly hurt but Stiles anger as well as clearly feeling guilty for what happened to Noah. "Your dad's not the only one who got hurt-" Scott says and Stiles scoffs. "Oh, you'll heal!"

"I'm not talking about me." Scott says making me and Stiles look at him for a moment before I instantly run to the elevator, Stiles following behind me.

I run into a room and my eyes widen when I see Lydia's catatonic state. Stiles runs in a second later but stays by the door as I stare at my best friend in shock. But the second Natalie notices me and Stiles, her expression changes from confusion to fury as she jumps to her feet and rushes towards us, pushing us out of the room.

"No! No, you don't. You're not coming in here. Get out!" She yells making me furrow my eyebrows. I have Natalie since I was a little girl and she has never spoke to me like this. "Natalie, wait! Wait! I think I know what happened. I just- I need to look at the back of her neck-" I try to as I try to push past her.

But my response only makes her more angry and her voice becomes louder and menacing as she continues to shove me out of the room. "I know who did this! You! All of you! GET OUT!" She yells as I look at her shocked as tears fill my eyes.

Teen Wolf: Alexis McCallWhere stories live. Discover now