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The next day went on the same Angeldust came home from work all out of sorts per usual. He stopped at the bar.

"Hey, hot stuff." Angeldust was back in his bullshit it seems. Husker rolled his eyes.

"You know I ain't into ya so just give it a rest." Husker groaned.

"Nobody can resist me not even straight men. So what's your deal?" Angeldust asked.

"I'm not into the meaningless shit you do for a living."

"Oh, too good for a hooker ah?" Angel teased.

"It ain't like that either." The bartender huffed. Angel's face softened, he was confused. Husker took a swig of his cheap alcohol.

"What do you know about me?" Husker asked.

Angeldust opened his mouth to speak and then shut it again. He thought for a moment, opened his mouth again and shut it.

"Exactly." Was all Husker said before chugging his booze.

"I know you're a raging alcoholic."

"Which anyone who's spent even a second around me would know. So you don't know nothing bout me." Husker stated downing the remainder of booze.

"So how bout a date. We get to know each other?" Angeldust offered.

"You got jokes." Husker chuckled. "I work here seven days a week and the bar doesn't close til after everything else in hell closes."

Angeldust snapped his fingers in an exasperated way. "Damnit!"

"You stop at the bar every day, just get to know me instead of trying to get in my pants, maybe I'll let you in."

"In your pants?" Angeldust wiggled his eyebrows.

"No!" Husker facepalmed. "In. Like maybe I'll open up to you, or maybe I won't cause that remark just proved you can't cut the crap for even two seconds."

"Alright, Kitty."

Husker rolled his eyes. "Don't call me that."

Angeldust walked away and Husker's eyes cought something. He didn't fully process until Angeldust was already up the stairs.

His eyes widened as he thought of the possibilities and he rushed after the demon.

He knocked on the door rather frantically.

"Hang on, don't get your panties in a twi-" Angeldust cut himself off realizing it wasn't Vaggy at the door.
"Oh it's you." Angeldust said as he opened the door. "What's up?"

"What is all over the back of your jacket?" Husker asked.

"What?" Angedust looked over his shoulder seeing a big red patch covering his back.

"Would you believe me, if I said someone spilled their drink on me?"

"Not when you say it like that." Husk stated. "Did your boss-"

"Yeah. yeah, he did. It's no big deal though. I'll be-"

"No big deal?! Angel you're fucking bleeding!" Husker yelled before the spider overed his mouth, and pulled him into the room before shutting the door.

"It's been worse, than this before. I'm fine." Angedust stated. "Go back to the bar, I'll be fine."

Husker reluctantly left the room and went back to his job. Angeldust ran himself a warm bubble bath easing himself into the water as it stung against the open wounds on his back. But once he was in, the warm soapy water was quite soothing on his sore back. He cleaned himself slowly, not anticipating having to scrub his back but he did as gently as he could. He changed into some comfortable pajamas, and started trying to treat the blood stain on his favorite suit jacket. Little bit of peroxide, little bit of soap, and a whole lot of scrubbing later as the jacket almost looked brand new. It would go in the wash the next day he was off.

Husker was on who knows how many beers he drank today but he just downed three more. Angeldust went back downstairs, and stopped at the bar.

"See. Told you I'd be fine."

Husker rolled his eyes. "Whatcha want?"

"Something strong."

Husker nodded mixed up something and spat in the drink.

"Did you just?" Angeldust asked.

Husker nodded a big ol' smirk on his face, very satisfied with himself.

"Fuck it." Angeldust downed the drink anyway. "Probably the closest I'll get to making out with ya. I'll take it." He smirked earning a barely audible chuckle from the bartender.

"Don't get cute. I meant what I said."

"I know, I know. But it wouldn't be me if I didn't joke with ya a lil." Angeldust stated.

Angeldust stayed at the bar til it was closing time. The two walked up the stairs. Angeldust nudged the cat demon playfully. Husker pushed him back a little bit harder, not enough to hurt him or make him fall over, but just enough for Angel to chuckle before the two went of to their own rooms.

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