Thirty One

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Angel woke up pretty early in the morning. Charlie wasn't even up yet. He couldn't go back to sleep so he just laid where he was in and scrolled on his phone for a few hours, until it was nearing the time Husk needed to tend the bar.

"Husky." Angel said nudging the cat demon, who didn't wake up. Angeldust thought for a moment and began placing kisses all over Husk's face.

Husk stirred and mumbled something, just before Angel placed another kiss on his lips. Husk groaned, while rubbing his eyes.


"Ughh! Why?" Husk groaned covering his face with his pillow.

"Husk it's 9:00 you gotta tend the bar in an hour."

"Fuck." The cat demon mumbled as he, moved the pillow and sat up.

"Thank you Angel." Husk said before their lips met.

"No problem kitty."

Husk wrapped his arms around Angeldust and pulled him closer.

"Shouldn't you be getting ready?"

"I still got an hour." Husk stated, kissing Angel again.

Angel didn't object, their lips brushed against each other's as Husk deepened the kiss. Their tongues explored each other's mouths as the kiss continued. Angel leaned against the bed pulling Husk with him as they continued kissing. Neither of them meant for it but, their crocthes pressed against each other's. Immediately both of the demons pulled away embarrassed. Husk quickly sat back where he was sitting before.

"I should, check on Nuggets." Angel said getting up off the bed and rushing out of the room.

"Shit." Husk mumbled after his door shut behind Angel, his hand running through his hair, as he exhaled a breath he didn't realize he was holding.

He began getting ready for his shift.

Angel panicked. He didn't mean for it. He hoped Husk wasn't mad. He fed Fat Nuggets and rinsed his water bowl in the bathroom sink before filling it back up and placing it on the floor again. He grabbed clothes and took a quick shower before he got dressed and went down stairs. He sat at the bar. He looked at Husk, Husk looked at him.

"I'm so sorry." Both demons said simultaneously.

Both of them were silent for a moment before awkwardly laughing.

Husk poured him a drink.

Angel took a sip as Husk sipped his own booze.

"Be safe, okay?" Husk asked before Angel had to leave.

"I'll do my best." Angel replied downing the drink and walking out of the hotel

To say Angel was distracted was an understatement. After yesterday he really needs to not be cause Val's already pissed as it is.

"Well next time let me fucking talk!" Angel stated. "I said it wasn't like that!"

The piss baby, punched him in the mouth, his hand was wrapped around Angel's throat his face inches away from Angel's face.

"If you ever pull some shit like that again, you're dead!" Valentino threatened, spitting as he spoke.

"Yes Valentino. I understand." Angel just agreed not wanting to make it worse for himself.

Val tweaked his schedule again, he was scheduled for a double tonight. He made sure to let Husk know. Who was obviously worried but tried not to worry too much while he was working. Angel knew he should have come in.

Luckily for Angel, his preformaces pleased the moth. So he only had the busted lip, however his body was sore from how many scenes he had to shoot.

On his break, he let Husk know he was working late.

After another four hours of shooting, Angel walked out of the building towards the spot he gets picked up at, texting the cat demon.

Husk arrived fairly quick today. Angeldust got in the car and Husk drove off.

"He hit you, again?" Husk asked, noticing Angel's swollen lip that was split open

"Yeah, but it's not'in serious."

"It is serious! He hurts you way too fucking much!" Husk stated.

"I'm fine. It's nothing I can't handle." Angel assured.

Husk turned down the usual road and Into another.

"About this morning," Husk started.

"It's fine, neither of us meant for it to happen." Angel stated.

"Yeah." Husk agreed, before pulling into the drive way and driving up to the parking lot.

He parked the car and got out of the car opening the door for Angeldust.

"Hey Angel, what was your life like before death?" Husk asked as they walked into the hotel.

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