Sixty Five

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The next day Husk and Angel were the only two at the bar.

"Did Cherri ever come back last night?" Angel asked sipping his drink

"How would I know? I was with you." Husk reminded.

"I dunno." The spider shrugged.

Charlie Vaggy and the demon in question came walking down the stairs, she sat on the couch her hair was a mess and it looked like she was hung over.

Angel told Husk he'd be back and walked over to his friend, and sat next to her.

"You good?" He asked.

She nodded.

"Went a lil too hard is all." Cherri assured.

Angel nodded.  "When did you get back?" He wondered.

She shrugged.

"Why didn't ya ask me to come with?" He asks. "Ya said ya had shit to do, if ya said you were going out I would have gone with ya."

Cherri couldn't look him in they eyes. "I didn't want you to come Angie!"

Her voice softened she didn't mean to yell. "You've been clean for so long I didn't want to ruin that for you."

Angel just hugged her. "That doesn't mean you go out by your damn self! What if something happened?"

She hugged him back and the two were silent for a bit.

"Besides, staying clean would be easier now that I don't have to deal with that douche bag." He assured. "Imma go get you an Advil and some coffee."

Cherri and Angel stopped hugging, and Angel stood up. He walked into the kitchen to brew coffee, then walked back into the lobby, up the stairs to his room. He walked into his bathroom and opened the mirror grabbing an Advil and going back downstairs. He grabbed the coffee and sat back on the couch handing the items to Cherri.

She took them. "You're too good to me."

Angel went back to the bar. And finished his drink.

Charlie and Vaggy came down the stairs.

"Everyone, I have some news, I know you're not going to like it, but within the next couple of weeks we might be having some new help, and a new guest." She stated as she got to the lobby.

"Heaven has decided working at this hotel for the rest of eternity, is a good punishment for Adam and Lute for the extermination." She continued.

Everyone groaned.


"Angel you were a crack whore." Husk stated

"Yeah well she ain't know me like that to just say it. There's a reason!" He groaned.

"Yeah and if she says that to ya face you got guns, use em." Husk assured.


"Our new guest to rehabilitate is Sera! Heaven decided since she thought the extermination would keep heaven safe they're allowing her a second chance." Charlie stated.

"Arent they pissed we killed their soldier?" Husk wondered.

"No, because like Sera was protecting heaven, we were protecting hell." Charlie explained.

"I actually am gonna talk to Dad and see if he could come to the hotel a bit more often cause Adam hates dad so much, putting him in authority over Adam would be a huge fuck you." Charlie stated.

After her announcement she went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

"Hey Husky?" Angel asked sipping his drink.

"What's on your mind Tony?" He asked quietly so nobody heard his name.

"You wanna come to my room? Show me what you can do, with my deal?" The spider said seductively, his fingers walked up Husk's arm making him pull away immediately.

"Angel no!" Husk stated. "That's not me! I'm not Val. Not only this but, being an overlord ain't me anymore either. I might have your deal but I'm never using it against you." Husk stated.

"I just think I could be fun." Angel admitted.

"Look, you want a leash for that, I'll buy ya one. But there's no way in hell I'm pulling you around like Al did to me. And I'm definitely not gonna do anything Val's done with it." Husk stated, sipping more of his booze.

"Awh. Could ya at least tell me what color it is?" Angel asked.

"If I do will you drop it?" Husk asked finishing his booze and grabbing another.

"Fine." Angel agreed but groaned in annoyance.

"They're red." Husk stated just before taking a sip of the freshly opened bottle.

"I knew it!" Angel yelled.

Husk rolled his eyes Cherri made her way over to the bar and Husk poured her usual.

"Thanks." She said taking a sip.

Husk just nodded.

The rest of the day was uneventful, that was until Charlie decided everyone should go to LuLu world.

"Charlie, We're not kids." Angel groaned.

"There's more than just kiddie rides and clowns asshole!" Husk groaned.

"Fine." Angel crossed his arms.

Everyone packed into the limo including Alastor this time, who usually doesn't go out with them.

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