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Angedust was thrown into a wall, his back shattering the mirror as he landed against it. The shards of glass opening previous wounds on his back as well as creating new ones.

"I FUCKING OWN YOU!" Val screamed spitting in the smaller demon's face, as he lifted him off the ground about ready to throw him again. There was a knock on the door.

"Not Now!" Valentino yelled before dropping the demon to the floor. He unbuttoned as unzipped his pants pulling the down til they were at his ankles. Angeldust gulped. "Fuck you think you're doing flirting with other employees!" He  smacked him.

"I wasn't!" Angeldust yelled. He wasn't all he said was he liked their shoes. He's not even attracted to women, Val knows that! What the fuck is this about?

"Knees slut." Valentino. Instructed. Angeldust obliged sitting up on his knees. Valentino gripped the back of his neck forcing Angles mouth onto himself, as he fucked his face. Angeldust hated Val for a lot of reasons. This was one of them. If he was just treated right for once maybe he'd be inclined to listen to the moth, more. But respect isn't earned in hell. If you're owned your respect is a survival skill, and Angel's mafia background only dug him deeper in shit. He don't respect nobody. His father always said when you're on the top of the food chain you never have respect to give but you have a whole world to receive respect from. Angeldust definitely wasn't at the top down here though.

Valentino got himself off and left in a hurry. Not giving two shits about the state Angeldust was in. His body was sore. His back was bleeding again. He definitely didn't want to explain this to anyone at the hotel. He collected himself and left his dressing room ready for the next shoot.

When he finished up his work for the day, he went in his dressing room overed up his bruises with makeup and cleaned the wounds on his back with peroxide and put some antibacterial ointment on them before layering two shirts he didnt care about and another jacket so the blood wouldnt seep all the way through his clothes again. He gave himself a once-over in the mirror satisfied with how well he hid the abuse of the day, he walked on back to the hotel.

He stopped at the bar like usual. Husk knew something was up just from the stiff movements of the spider.

"Alright what gives?" Husk inquired, in-between sips of his booze.


"You're walking like you got a stick up your ass. What the fuck happened?"

"For a person who don't care you ask a lot of questions."

"Fine don't tell me." Husker chugged his booze. "But, don't expect me not to care."

Angeldust slammed his head on the bartop, with a grunt. Husker poured a glass of bourbon and slid it in front of the frail looking demon. Angeldust took it and downed it.

"I'll tell you, but you gotta meet me in my room. They can't know."

"That bad?" Husker raised an eyebrow and downed his bottle. Angeldust nodded. "Sure kid, but it'll have to be after my shift."


"No funny business, alright?" Husker asked Angeldust shook his head.

"No. No games, no antics." The spider sighed, lifting his arms up in surrender.

Husker nodded, he poured the demon another drink. Angeldust drank it and requested another.

When Husker's shift ended he locked up the bar and went up to the pornstar to his room, shutting the door behind him.

Angeldust left just a few minutes before him. He took off his makeup and his jacket and one of the extra shirts. The bottom one he left on.

"Holy shit." Husker breathed seeing the bruising littering Angel's face, neck and arms and legs.

"What the fuck did he do to you?" Husker sighed.

"It gets worse." Angel sighed pulling the back of his shirt over his head but covering the front of him with the shirt. Husker's jaw dropped, his eyes narrowed in shock. There were still some shards of glass from the mirror in Angel's back. How the fuck did he finish his shift like that?! Husker didn't know and he didn't care. He only cared about helping the injured demon before him.

"What the hell!" Husker whisper yelled not wanting to wake the girls. "I'll be right back."

His left the room, going to his own for a moment. He still knows how to make a med kit right? He thinks so. He grabbed a bottle of alcohol, tweezers an old shirt he didn't wear and duck tape and a tray of ice from his fridge.

He rushed back to the other room.

"The fuck you doing?" Angeldust asked when Husker came back with all these objects in his hands.

"Addressing your injuries. Cause makeup ain't gonna make this any better. Lay down, on your stomach." Husker stated and instructed.

Angeldust did as he was directed. Husker picked all the shards of glass out of the other demon's back, with the tweezers. Making sure he got all the little pieces too.
Husk opened the bottle took one big swig.

"This is gonna sting. A lot." Hey at least he was honest.

"More or less than the- MORE DEFINITELY MORE THAN PEROXIDE!" Angeldust's yelled as Husker poured the alcohol over his back. The he took the old shirt wrapped the shirt around the demon's back and abdomen ad taped it in place.

"Sorry." Husker apologized, sincerely sympathizing with the spider.

Husker then wrapped some ice cubes in paper towels and handed it to Angeldust for the bruises on his face.

"Why are you apologizing? Not like you did this shit." Angeldust asked.

"Because, I'm sorry I caused you pain, regardless if I'm trying to help." Husker stated.

"I appreciate this, Husk. You really didn't need to." Angeldust stated.

"The hell were you gonna do if I didn't?" Husk helped the demon sit up and he gestured to the waste bin that's filled with the shards that were previously in his back.

"You were going to sleep, with literal pieces of glass in your back!"

Angeldust was taken a back by how much glass there was.

Husker stayed with the demon for a bit just to make sure he was alright but eventually he went back to his room.

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