Thirty Three

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It was nearly midnight, the trio was still in Angel's room, joking and just having a good time. The alcohol had made, Angel flirtier than usual, lucky for him Husk didn't mind it so much anymore, especially cause he knew it was mostly the alcohol talking.
He was sitting in Husk's lap Cherri chose not to question it cause she's been around the spider enough to just not ask questions. Though that mentality went right out the window the minute she saw the pair kissing out of the corner of her eye.

"I hate the ruin the moment but, when the FUCK was I gonna be told about this Angie?!" she asked very upset Angel forgot a pretty big detail.

"Oh uh." Angel scratched the back of his neck embarrassed that he didn't say anything.

"He was high for most of this too." Husk laughed.

"Well shit! How long has this been a thing?"

"A month I think?" Angeldust said like a question. Husk shrugged.

"Longer than that. Our first kiss was like, what two months ago already."

"And this is why I gotta stay clean time don't make no sense when I'm high." Angel chuckled.

"I guess I need to start visiting more. Since y'all can't keep a girl updated." She laughed.

"Wait Cherri how are you getting home?" Angel asked.

"My roommate, but she's not gonna be on her way til she leaves for work around five."

"ALL NIGHTER Whooooo!" Angel yelled, opening another bottle of alcohol.

Husk faceplamed.  "I think you had enough." Husk stated.

"Oh he'll be fine. He's not drinking like the Angie I know, he'll be ight." Cherri assured.

They chatted for a bit, fighting the tiredness onset by how much booze they consumed, til Cherri's friend came to drive her and her car home.



"Don't you still gotta tend the bar."

"Fucking Christ." The cat demon facepalm. "We should probably get some sleep."

Angeldust agreed. They fell asleep within an hour, thanks to the substance.

Around ten o'clock Alastor was banging on Husk's door and screaming at the empty room for him to get his drunk ass outta a bed and tend the bar.

"No, Al let him sleep he's probably hungover." Charlie begged.

"Fine. But if this happens again he's gonna hear about it." Alastor stated.

Charlie didn't even bother mentioning that Husk was still in Angel's room.

Husk and Angel slept well past ten o'clock. It's been a long time since Husk has had a hangover, so he was very greatful for Charlie's pleads. He and Angel didn't leave the room once. They roughly woke up at noon, when Vaggy knocked on the door to give them aspirin and some water, which they were both greatful for.

Angel laid in Husk's arm, as the two made out, Husk purred as Angel's fingers entwined in his fur. His fingers doing the same to Angel's hair. Angel moaned into the kiss before pulling away, afraid to push things too far.

Husk grabbed his face and gently pulling him back toward his.

"Husk are you sure?"

"Do you want me to stop?" Husk wondered

"I thought you'd want to." Angel admitted.

Husk shrugged, then shook his head.

A smile tugged on the spiders lips, as he leaned back into Husk's embrace and kissed the demon again. The kiss got increasingly more passionate, there tongues roamed each other's mouths before Husk broke the kiss immediately attaching his lips to Angel's neck.

"H-husky!" He gasped, just before the cat demon flipped them over so Angel's back was against the bed and he was on top of him. The spider tilted his head giving Husk more access to his neck.

Husk kissed a certain spot on the spider's neck causing a string of moans to escape his mouth.

"Can I take this off?" Husk asked his hands at the hem of Angel's shirt. The other demon, nodded quickly with excitement.

Husk pulled off his shirt and tossed it to somewhere else in the room, before burrying his face in the floof of his chest.

Angel bucked his hips against Husker's begging for friction.

The two laid their breathlessly for a moment.

"That was." Husk started. "Great."

"Best I've had." Angel stated.

"You ain't gotta lie to me." Husk assured.

Angel curled up under the cats arm resting his head near Husk's shoulder. "I might lie to my clients, but not to you Husky. I mean it."

"Seriously?" Husk asked.

Angeldust nodded. "You think clients give a shit if the whore they're paying for gets off? Hell no."

"That's fucked."

"It's the job babe." Angel stated.

Husk lifted the other demon so he was laying on his chest as he wrapped his arms around him.

"Good thing I got you off first then, huh?" Husk teased.

"Shut up, asshole." Angel said looking into Husk's eyes.

"I love you too, loser." The cat replied with a wink, just before brushing his lips against Angel's.

"We should probably shower." Husk stated.

"Can we lay like this after?"

"What kinda question is that? Of course we can." Husk chuckled.

The two got off Angel's bed and went into his bathroom. Husk wasn't fully comfortable with the idea of showering together yet, but he didn't want to leave the room and risk Alastor expecting him to work the rest of his shift.

They took a quick shower and got dressed, laying right back on Angel's bed where they cuddled.

The two finally went down stairs at around six in the evening. Alastor was visibility angry Husk didn't communicate with him that he'd need the day off.

"You know better than anyone who isn't me, that I've not had a hangover in decades. I'm sorry for the inconvenience but, fuck."

"You're lucky you're useful." Alastor replied.

"I'll work the rest of my shift. I need more booze anyway." Husk assured.

"Good. I have shit I gotta do." Alastor said before teleporting off.

Husk poured Angel a drink and a grabbed bottle for himself.

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