Forty Eight

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Angel and Husk eventually fell asleep Fat Nuggets made his way ontop of Husker's stomach, falling asleep on him. Angel's head rested on his chest his lower arms around his waist but not in Fat Nuggets way, one of his upper arms was around husk shoulder and the other was at his side.

From the shadows there was a giggle.

Niffty silently exited the room.  She's fuckin creepy.

Morning rolled around. Fat Nuggets' tummy rumbled waking him. He waddled up Husk's abdomen and into Angels face licking him.

"Mhhs what the fuck?" He groaned, reluctantly opening one eye. "Ohh. Okay come on." He rubbed the tired from his eyes and lifted the pig into his arms he rolled off of Husk and sat up. Husk wrapped his arms around him. "Annnnngieeeeee." He groaned.

"Shit." He face palmed with one of his free hand. "Go back to sleep, I'll be back." He assured. Husk sighed and let him go. Angel walked out of the room with his beloved pet and towards his room.

He placed him on the floor and made sure his food bowl was still full topping it off a bit. He grabbed the water bowl and went it on the bathroom rinsinyit out and filling it up again. He walked back out of his bathroom and placed the water bowl beside the food.

He left his room and went back to Husker's laying on his bed. Husk immediately clung to him.

"Fuckin hell." Angel giggled wrapping all six of his arms around him.

Husk began purring as Angel petted him until he fell back to sleep. Nobody was awake and he didn't even care to know, what time it was. He just wanted to sleep longer.

Husk wakes up this time at nearly nine. He gazed and Angel asleep in his arms. He tried to pull away but Angel tightened his grip.

"You're not leavin' me." The spider mumbled, only half awake.

"I was just gonna sit up." Husk stated.

"Hmmm no." Angel stated tiredly, before he buried his face in Husk's fur.

"You're lucky I love you." Husk sighed. Kissing the top of Angel's head.

"Yeah yeah.  Go back to sleep." He yawned.

"As much as I love this, I have to tend the bar soon, babe." Husk sighed.

Angel groaned. Husk rolled over and pulled Angel on top of him.

"You can still sleep my love." He mentioned.

Angel huffed. "But I want cuddles."

Husk sighed. And took his phone from the night stand. Glad he still had an hour.

"Okay Angel but, at nine thirty I gotta get ready. I can't piss Al off." Husk compromised.

"Fiiiine." Angel reluctantly agreed. Husk ran his fingers gently through Angel's hair.

"I could bring Nuggets back in, when I do head downstairs." Husk offered.

"Please?" Angel asked.

Husk scrolled on his phone with Angel laying on his chest, his face buried in his fur. The spider didn't even care that his legs hung off the bed a decent ways, he was comfy, and fast asleep. Husk rubbed his back with his free hand.

"Baby." Husk nudged.

"Noooo!" Angel groaned.

"Come on I gotta get ready." Husk rubbed his face.

Angel groaned and rolled off of him.

Husk threw one of his shirts at him gently.

"Here. Now calm your nonexistent tits."

"Rude!" Angel groaned putting the shirt over his head.

"I think you mean Thank you." Husk chuckled.

"Fuck off."

Husk's ears drooped.

"Oh please, you know I didn't mean it I'm just tired." Angel stated. "Lemme apologize."

Husk looked at him a little annoyed. "I only have fifte-" Angel cut him off. He was halfway ready anyway. Just needed his suspenders and his bowtie.

"No, no. Just come here." Angel stated.

Husk complied walking over to the bed.

Angel wrapped his arms around his neck and kissed him. Husk kissed back, Angel licked Husk's lips and their tongues danced around each other's mouths for a blissful moment.

The two pulled away slowly.

"Okay, you're forgiven beautiful." Husk teased. He wasn't even mad but he wouldn't say no to kisses.

Angel decided to stay asleep. He walked out of the room behind Husk, while scratching his head.

He sat at the bar as his poured him a drink.

He took a large swig of the drink before speaking.

"How bout anotha date Husky?" Angel asked.

Husk laughed. "Hah, Like Alastor would let me take another day off."

"After ya work Kitty." Angel winked.

"Oh, alright." Husk agreed.

Angel clapped his hand and smiled. "Yes! You won't regret it Husky."

Husk sipped his booze, as Angel downed his drink.

Angel kissed his cheek before he left the hotel. He didn't have work today but, he went out to buy a few things for their date. He bought a bottle of strawberry rosé and and some things to make a charcuterie board. He was back in the hotel within the hour. Husk raised an eyebrow at the bags he had in his hand.

"Don't worry about it Whiskers." He winked, as he walked into the kitchen. He put the bags in the fridge.

Husk was definitely wondering what the fuck he bought, but he don't ask questions.

Angel went around the hotel looking for Charlie. Finding her with Niffty, standing by the supply closet.

"Hey Charlie, Niff. Do you happen to have a basket I could barrow I'll give it back by tomorrow." Angel wondered.

Charlie was intrigued.

"May I ask why?" She asked trying to hod back her excitement.

Angel sighed. "Damnit Charlie." He laughed. "I'm taking husk out on a date, but I'm not telling ya where, and I'm not telling ya what we're doing because if ya let it slip I'd be so fuckin upset." He stated.

"Oooooohhhh it's a surprise!" Niffty giggled.

Charlie clapped her hands giggling.

Charlie said she did have one and she'd look for it in a bit and give it to him.

Angel thanked her and walked away. He walked over to the bar and sat down.

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