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Husk woke up to Angeldust softly snoring, his head resting on Husk's chest. He ruffled his hand through the sleeping demons hair. Angel stirred and Husk stopped immediately not wanting to wake him. He just scrolled through his phone.

Angeldust woke up only thirty minutes later. He yawnend.

"Shit, sorry." He apologized and sat up so he was no longer restiy on the cat's chest.

Husk shook his head. "Don't be."


"Did you sleep okay?" He assked cutting Angel off.

"Yeah?" Angel said sounding like a question.

"Then it's fine." Husk assured.

Angel hugged the cat demon swiftly. Husk instinctively wrapped his arms around the demon in return.

"Thank you." Angeldust said genuinely.

"For what?" Husk asked, a confused expression on his face.

"For caring about me."

"You don't need to thank me for that." Husk assured in soft tone, before sitting up and getting off the bed. Angeldust sat up. Husk went into his bathroom. Angeldust left the room. He walked into his room and changed into some more comfortable clothes.

Husk took a quick shower and got dressed. He stepped out of the bathroom realizing Angel had left. Fat Nuggets was still asleep on his bed. He smiled and lifted the pig up, cradling it, and carried him out of hi room. Husk walked down the hall to Angel's room and knocked on the door.

"Just a second." He called just as he pulled his a black and pink Crop top over his head and put his top arms in the sleeves. He gave himself a once over and opened the door.

"NUGS!" He exclaimed. Husker Chuckled.

Angeldust extended his arms gripping the pig and holding him securely to his chest, then he set the demon down on the ground.

The two demons made there way downstairs.

"You're late." Alastor stated in annoyance.

"It's my fault." Angeldust stated. "I needed a ride back here last night, it was really late. I'm sorry."

"Oh, it's alright. Just don't let this become a frequent thing, Husk." Alastor warned.

"Yes boss." Husk agreed. He went behind the bar and poured a drink for Angeldust and Alastor. Alastor took his drink met up with the girls and they left.

Husk glanced at the time. It was one o clock.

"You got work?" Husk asked not really wanting an answer but he worried Angel would be late.

Angeldust shook is head. "Val gave me the day off because of what happened." He explained.

Husk nodded.

Angeldust explained how his night went, sparing some of the unimportant details, he figured Husk wouldn't want to hear.

"I'm glad you stood up for yourself. You shouldn't have to put up with shit like that." Husk stated.

"Guy got what was coming to him. Pretty sure Val killed 'em." Angel stated.

Husk's eyes widened. "So he can disrespect and beat ya bloody but not some other shmuck? That makes no sense!" Husk stated.

"He sees it as disrespecting his business. When he does it 'its part of the job'. Bullshit excuses but that's what he says." Angeldust explained using air quotes.

They fell silent.

They haven't spoken about the kiss since it happened and they've avoided the girls like the plague. Was it finally time to talk about it? We're either of them even ready to talk about it? It's a pretty big elephant in the room. Neither of them really knew how to bring it up.

The silence went on for what felt like forever, but was only like twenty more minutes.

Angel took a gulp of the alcohol. "Husk?" He said like a question.

"Hmn?" Husk responded.

"I think, I love you."

Husk was silent for a moment, taken aback by the words. Is that what he's been feeling?

"I-I, I think I l-love y-you too." Husk stumbled over his words.

It was Angel's turn to be taken by surprise. He didn't know what this meant for them.

Husk left the bar realizing it was just the two of them, he sat on a bar stool next to the spider.

"You wanna see a magic trick?" Husk asked.


Husk spread out the deck of cards in his hand. Angeldust picked one and put it back in the deck, Husk took the deck made it disappear. He lifted his hat off his head and pulled Fat Nuggets through it who had Angel's card stuck to the top of his head.

"I believe your pig, has your card." Husk laughed.

"That would be correct." Angel chuckled.

Husk's eyes flickered between Angel's, and his lips. Angel scooched his chair closer to the cat. And the two slowly leaned closer and closer, until their lips touched.

Angeldust parted his lips but Husk didn't obliged, so he pressed his tongue against Husk's lip, only then did Husk deepen the kiss. Angel's top set of arms wrapped around Husk's neck. Husk's hands were firmly planted on Angel's hips. Angel's fingers ruffles through the fur on the back of his head, causing that cat demon to pur.

The demons pulled away. Angel immediately grabbed Husker's face and kissed him again. Husk kissed back but only for a moment.

"Damn." They mumbled in unison causing them both to laugh.

Husk got up from his seat and started wiping down the bar and cleaning glasses before he closed up the bar.

Only then Did Alastor and the girls step through a portal, and into the hotel.

"Good to see you didn't kill each other." Alastor stated.

Vaggy whispered something in his ear.

"They what?" Alastor asked. Vaggy whispered in his ear again.

"Oh!" The Radio demon placed a hand just before his ear. "Good for you Husk!"

"Vaggy what the fuck?" Husk asked.

She just shrugged.

"Sooooooo, are you twoooooo, like a thing, now?" Charlie asked dragging out the O's awkwardly.

Husk and Angel looked at each other and back to her, shrugging simultaneously.

"I think that's a yes." Alastor chuckled.

Husk shrugged again, before kissing the spider.

"Awe!" Charlie gawked again.

"Ah The lobby is NOT the place for this!" Alastor insisted.

The demons stopped kissing, their foreheads were pressed together as they chuckled.

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