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Angel walked over to the other spider, and sat down.

"Oh hello?" Greeted Molly.

"Uh Hey, you probably don't remem-" Angel started but Molly cut him off.

"How could I forget you! Where the fuck have you been Anthony!?" She asked hugging him.

Molly didn't have all of her memories of her brother, she did know that she had one but, angels forget souls who dont get into heaven because the consept of a loved one being deserving of hell can be quite troubling to the mind.

"Hell." Angel stated.

She sighed. "Course, bet dad drug you down there with him. Is asshole down there too?"

Angel just nodded. He and his sister never got along with their older brother, and her relationship with him got worse when their father, kicked Angel out, upon the discovery he was gay.

"I've missed you." Angel admitted.

"I missed you too." Molly stated. "Are you here for good?"

Angel shook his head. "Not yet, but I'm trying to get redeemed, actually the three of us are." He stated motioning to Husk and Cherri.

"This is my boyfriend Husk. I promise he's better than the ones you remember. This is my best friend Cherri." He introduced.

"Guys this is my twin sister Molly." He stated.

"It's so lovely to meet you both!" Molly cheered embracing them.

Husk looked very angry at the sudden touch from someone he didn't know.

"Oh yeah, probably should have mentioned she's a hugger." Angel apologized, watching Husk look very uncomfortable.

"Ya think?" Husk asked, glad she stopped hugging him.

Angel just giggled.

Molly eventually let go, they all sat down around the garden chatting. Emily didn't seem to mind,  glad that they were enjoying themselves.

"So what is hell like?" Angel's sister asked.

"Uhhh depends." Cherri stated. "Who you know, what you're like, if your owned all that jazz effects how hell is like. It's not the same for everyone."

"I'm sorry, what exactly do you mean by owned?" Molly wondered.

Angel looked at Cherri as if to say what the fuck.

"Well uh, there's overlords in hell, and sometimes when they're really desperate, sinners sell their souls to them." Husk explained.

Angel grew uncomfortable, and he hated it, cause Molly could read him like a book.

"What the fuck did you get yourself into this time?" Molly asked.

Husk couldn't help but chuckle at that. It was hilarious to him how she just looked at Angel and knew pretty much his whole story.

Angel informed her about Valentino, leaving our the part that Husk owns him now. He really didn't want to explain everything that led up to that, nor did he want it to change what she thought of him considering Husk only did it to protect him.

Angel and Cherri wandered off because Sir Pentious missed him and wanted to catch up. He asked about his egg Bois. Very upset to find out Frank was the only one left.

"You better be good to him." Molly warned Husk.

"Don't worry. I don't think he realizes how much I love him sometimes." Husk admitted.

Molly nodded. "Sounds like my brother. I don't know what hell is like for him, but his love life when we were alive wasn't very good." Molly stated.

"I can imagine." Husk assured. "He's told me bits and pieces."

Molly handed him something.

"Don't tell him I gave it to you til you're back in hell. If he's ever having a bad day, that's his favorite dish, momma's recipe. I'm sure he's not had it since death, and I wasn't allowed to give to anyone but family." She stated.

Husk thanked her. "Why are you giving it to me?" He wondered.

"Something tells me Tony needs it more than I do. I can tell he loves you, and anyone who can make him smile like that, might as well be family." She admitted, gesturing over to Angel. "This is the happiest I've seen him, ever."

Husk couldn't help his red cheeks. "Thank ya. I'll be sure to keep it in mind."

Molly nodded.

"Alright we have a few more places to show you if you're all ready to keep going?" Emily offered.

"Hey Emi, could I join you?" Molly wondered.

"Absolutely!" The seraphim assured.

Angel and Molly took a few photos together before the group left to the next place Emily wanted to show them. Angel had a big grin on his face, he was glad his sister was here and not in hell. It was nice to know he wouldn't be alone if he did go to heaven.

The spider walked with his hand entwined with Husk's.

When the tour of Heaven ended. Cherri and Sir Pentious said their goodbyes. Molly and Angel said goodbye as well. Husk already went through the portal.

"You better get the fuck back up here Tony!" She yelled before he entered the portal.

"I'm doing my best!" He assured before stepping through it followed by Cherri.

Luckily after a while of dealing with Lucifer's antics Adam realized he wasn't getting out of this anytime soon so he was sat on the couch, next to Lute, when the trio Portaled back into the lobby.

"Oh look the drunk, the slut and raggedy Anne came back." Lute stated.

Lute was lucky Husk held Angel back.

"You wanna fuckin go? You don't know shit about me bitch!" Angel yelled.

"Baby it's not worth it." Husk tried to plead.

Cherri wasn't having it tho. "listen you exorcists piece of shit. Killing people might be your job description, but keep talking bout my friend like that, and it's gonna be me ending you!"

"Wait wait, back up!" Adam stated. "You two?" He pointed between Husk and Angel, laughing. "I shoulda known you sucked his dick. You sucking Luci's too? Oh I'd never let him hear the end of it! Letting a whore wrap his li-"

Husk let Angel go and decked Adam in the face with his dominant hand.

"Fuck! Ow!" He yelled.

"Call my boyfriend a whore again watch what fuckin happens bitch." Husk threatened.

Angel kissed Husk's cheek, he loved how quick Husk was to fight Angel's battles for him even though, Husk knows he doesn't need to.

"So you can kick ass but I can't?" The spider asked.

Husk turned to him. "It's different, she's a woman."

Charlie heard the commotion and went downstairs. She didn't even need to speak because tapped her foot and her arms were crossed, she stared between Lute and Adam.

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