Twenty Four

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It's been a week since then. Angel had be very distant. Only really talking to Husk when he picks the spider up from work. Which he's been skimping on as well. Valentino was obviously pissed, the spider was avoiding him again.

Angeldust was in his room, today was his day off. He has another drug test today and he knew the results weren't going to be good. He's been on a little bit of everything, trying to outrun his emotions yet again.

He went downstairs, where Charlie was waiting.

"You ready to go?" She asked.

"Let's get this over with." He sighed.

"Good luck!" Husk called trying to get some type of attention from the spider who's been avoiding him. Angel half smiled and waved goodbye as he and Charlie walked out to the limo.

Angel walked into the clinic waiting for his name to be called. Once it was he took his piss test and walked out of the building. The results should be in, in a few days. They rode back to the hotel.

Angeldust went right back up to his room, shutting the door behind him. He laid on his bed. His gloves covered the track marks on his arm. Definitely didn't need Charlie see that. It's bad enough shel get the test results and know what he's been on anyway.

There was a knock on his door. Reluctantly he got up off the bed and opened the door.

"H-Husk?" He asked.

"Why are you giving me the cold shoulder all of a sudden?" The cat demon asked. Angeldust opened the door more and stepped to the side letting him walk into the room. "You've been acting differently since we came back from the Casino. What's up?" Husk asked sitting in the chair by Angel's desk.

Angel didn't know what to say. He just stood there, probably looking like an idiot, at least he felt like one.

"Did I do something wron-" Husk was cut off by Angel's lips pressing against his. He didn't kiss back he pulled away. "Angel!" Husk sighed trying his damnedest not to be annoyed with him. He knew he wasn't trying to avoid an answer, it was obvious in his body language and facial expression he didn't know how to express whatever it was he was feeling.

"Shit, I'm sorry." Angel said facepalming. He slumped onto his bed. Husk's expression softened. He.

"What's going on with you, man?" Husk sat up and leaned forward holding two of Angel's hands in each of his. "Talk to me."

Angel looked Husk in his eyes, "I love you okay?!" He accidentally yelled, immediately looking away. He felt ashamed, what he has been doing wasn't fair to Husk but he doesn't want him to get hurt. That's all he ever does.

"I love you, and I don't want to hurt you, I don't want him to hurt you." His voice broke as he choked back his tears, refusing to let them fall.

"Legs," Husk paused. "I love you too." Husk let go of Angel's hands and cupped his face in his paws, forcing the spider to look at him. "I'm not going anywhere." He whispered just before brushing his lips against Angel's. Angel's eyes went wide. He didn't expect Husk to say it back, he didn't expect Husk to kiss him. He let his emotions take over though. Kissing back and wrapping his arms around the shorter demon. Husk stood from his seat not breaking the kiss, only because leaning over the way he was was starting to hurt his back. Angel lifted him with his lower arms and sat the cat, in his lap. The kiss sent shock waves over both of them, as if the kiss was electric some how.

Eventually they broke away, both gasping for air. Husk ruffled a hand through the fur on his head.

Angeldust still avoided his gaze. "I wish you didn't." he mumbled, hoping Husk wouldn't hear wanting the conversation to be over.


Damnit. He mouthed silently.

"A lot of reasons." Was all he replied with.

"You're carrying the weight of the world again, lemme help you carry it." Husk said in a calm soothing tone, placing his hands on Angel's shoulder.

"Because, I don't deserve it. Because, if Val ever found out.." he paused to wipe the tears away knowing he couldn't stop them from welling. "I don't want to know what he'd do but I don't want to find out. You're the only good thing I got going for me, I don't want to lose it." He sniffled, stopping more tears from threatening.

Husk huffed, and half smiled. "While, I'd love to just accept your complement, I'm not even close to being the only good thing you have." Husk stated. Angel just looked at him with a confused look plastered on his face.

"You have a best friend who'd do fuckin anything for you. This little guy who hates seeing you like this." He lifted Fat Nuggets, who squealed in surprise, up of the floor handing him to Angel. Husk knew very well, that Angel can't look at the little pig without cracking, even the smallest of smiles.
"You have this hotel, that's done one hell of a job keeping you away from, that fuckhead." He paused to wipe one of the tears Angel let slip, away.
"And don't even get me started on Charlie! She talks about how proud she is of you, just as much as Al talks about his fuckin Jambalaya. For the love of fuck, Angel stop selling yourself short." He finally, concluded.

Angeldust smiled a wide toothy grin and hugged the cat demon with the two arms that weren't occupied by the piglet.

"Oh and lastly," Husk added. " Don't ever tell yourself you don't deserve love."

Angel nodded, his smile was still there but his teeth were no longer visible.

"That's better." He smirked pulling Angel's face, with his thumb and fore-finger towards his, by his chin. He placed a small kiss on the spider's lips who was quick to kiss back.

Immediately his eyes widened when Husk finally pulled away.

"Fuck!" Angel mentally slapped himself.

"What? What is it?"

"Charlie's gonna be so pissed at me." He hung his head.

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