Twenty Nine

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Another week went by and the drug test results came back. Charlie was trying her best, to assure Angel it wasn't as bad, as he made it out to be. While it was understandable for him to be disappointed in himself, he was still not on, even half of the drugs he used to be on. Even in the midst of a relapse he still showed improvement. He really didn't expect Charlie to or Vaggy to still be proud of him.

Right now he was sat at a bar stealing swigs from Husk's bottle of booze before work.

"You're staring babe." He chuckled.

Husk shook his head erasing his thoughts as he broke his gaze from the spider.
"I'm sorry, what did you say?"

He laughed, taking another swig from the bottle. "Did you space out?"

"Maybe a lil." Husk admit reaching for his bottle, Angel took another sip before he passed it back.

"I can't help it, you're distracting." Husk shrugged as he took a swig.

"You love me."

"Yeah, that's why you're so distracting!" Husk stated.

Angel stuck his middle finger up at him jokingly.

"You'd like that too much."

Angel was taken aback. He opened his mouth to speak but he was dumbfounded.

Husk chuckled pleased with himself.

"Yeah? Well, uh." Angeldust looked for words.

"Seems like the cat's got your tongue Angel?" Alastor butted in. Husk usually hates those jokes but this worked in his favor and he couldn't help laughing.

"You know what, you're both Assholes!" Angeldust groaned mad that he he didn't have a comeback.

Husk handed the bottle back to him. Angel took another swig and sat it on the counter. "I gotta get going." He sighed.

He leaned over the bar, Husk leaned towards the spider their lips meeting in the middle.

"Atthem!" Alastor cleared his throat

"It's just a kiss Al calm down." Angeldust sight pulling away all too soon.

Husk grabbed Angel's face gently, kissing him again, looking Alastor dead in his eyes and flipped him off.

The two pulled away. "Now Husky, don't get yourself in trouble while I'm gone." Angel said before heading towards the exit.

"I could say the same to you." Husk stated.

"Good point." Angel said shutting the door behind him.

Valentino was pissy today. More than usual, Angeldust did everything he possibly could to try and please him and it only got him more and more abuse. So he just gave up. Why waste his energy?

During Angel's break he texted Husk he was going to be done a tad later and he'd let him know when. He turned his phone off and shoved it into his purse, just as his door opened.

"Val?!" He saw the moth's reflection in the mirror.

His boss walked over to him, placed a hand on his throat.

"You wanna tell me what's really going on between you and that shaggy Muppet?"

"What are you talking abo-"


"I'm talking about you, and that asshole that's driving you back to that ratty hotel. Seriously, if nothing was going on you should just come back home!" Val spat, letting go of Angeldust pushing the smaller demon as he let go.

"Nothing's going on! Charlie just didn't like that I was walking home so late at night. Val I'm not throwing away all I've accomplished!" He yelled.


"For fuck sake!" Angeldust yelled, standing up.

"Don't you dare talk back to-"



Did I just do that? Angel asked himself.

Holy shit I just did that! He thought.

He grabbed his bag and  sprinted, out of his room before Val could catch him. Leaving the building now giving a single fuck about the rest of his shoot.

He ran to the spot Husk picks him up at making sure he wasn't followed, he called Husk.

He didn't answer right away because he was in the middle of severing one of the guests.

"Angie? I thought you weren't going to be done til later?" Husk was confused.

"Yeah well, uh I just kinda ran out of that shit hole. How fast can you get here?" Angel asked frantically.

"How fast do you need me to be there?" he waved Alastor over who was talking with Vaggy.

"Asap! I'll explain, when you get here." Angeldust assured.

"Alright, leaving right now." Husk said before hanging up.

Alastor walked over as soon as he was done with his conversation.

"What is it?" He asked.

"I think Angel's in trouble, he's never off this ear-"

"Why the fuck are you still here then? Go!" Alastor stated, teleporting behind the bar.

Al was a lot of things, but at least he was semi-understanding.

Husk grabbed his keys and his bottle of booze he hopped into his car starting it quickly and raced out of the parking lot at an alarming speed. He got to the hole in the wall building, in record time.

Angeldust looked up from his phone hearing the honk. He stood up and walked over to the car getting in.




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