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Husk was up and ready for the day at the usual time. He was downstairs prepping the bar before opening. Charlie sat down for a quick chat about, some bonding exercises because she thinks it would be good if everyone knew a bit more about each other. Husk wasn't opposed but he did voice that he wasn't going to put on a show for anyone. Charlie decided they'd make it into a game. Husker sipped his booze.

Eventually Angeldust strutted down the stairs as usual. Alastor teleported into the lobby as if on queue.

"Great! Now that everyone is here, I'd like to announce that today we're all going to be Bonding!"

Angedust raised an eyebrow he didn't even need to speak cause Vaggy immediately corrected his thoughts. Angeldust acted, a little disappointed but he didn't really care.

"So here's what you do. We pass that ball to someone and whoever we pass it to, has t share something about themselves." Charlie stated. Vaggy went first.

"I thought I was invincible until Alastor said Angel's could be killed." She stated, passing the ball to Alastor.

"I miss my mother and her delicious jambalaya." Alastor stated, tossing the ball to Angeldust.

"I think Fat Nuggets is truly the most evil thing in hell sometimes but it's alright because he's my adorable sweet piglet. So Charlie if Fat Nuggets takes over hell I am so so sorry." Angeldust chuckled.

"Are you high?" Vaggy asked. Angeldust held up two fingers as if to say 'a little'. Everyone dismissed what he said but they chuckled a bit. Angeldust passed the ball over to Charlie.

"I am really looking forward to seeing you all grow and do better. I'm really so proud of all of you!" Charlie exclaimed tossing the ball over to Husk.

"I am not drunk enough for this." Was all Husker said, only Alastor and Angeldust chuckled at that. He chugged about half of what was left in his bottle.

"Alright, alright. Uh not many people know this but I can do magic." Husker stated.

Charlie begged him to demonstrate so he pulled out his playing cards from his pocket and asked her to pick a card.

"Look it over and put it back." Husker instructed. She did as she was directed. Husker shuffled the deck as laid al the cards out so everyone could see the cards.

"Your card isn't in this deck. Now is it?" Husker asked. Charlie looked over all the cards as shook her head no.

"Check your pockets."

Charlie did, and what do you know? Her card was in the chest pocket of her over coat.

"Woah!" Angeldust exclaimed Vaggy, Charlie and Alastor applaused.

The group dispanded, Husker went back to tending the bar, Angeldust went right on over and sat down.

"What'll it be?" Husk asked.

"You, me, in the sheets?" Angeldust smirked.

"Really?" Husk groaned.

"Like I said, if I can't joke with ya, then I'm not being myself." Angeldust stated. "I'll have a Jack."

Husker nodded, and poured the drink for the demon spider. He sighed deeply. He really wasn't ready for this but he's gotta let Angeldust know or he's going to be sending mix signals and that's not fair to the spider.

He took a deep breath. Angeldust was sipping his drink.

"Hey, Angel." Husk said getting the demon's attention. Angeldust looked at him and sat his drink back on the bartop.

"Look, I know I've been kinda harsh towards you, But getting to know you has been great, and while I'm not really ready for much else, right now. I think you should know I like you, a lot actually. I don't really want to send you mixed signals so I felt like I shou-" Angeldust cut him off by kissing his cheek.

"Thanks Husky. I like you a lot too but you already knew that." Angeldust stated.

Husk couldn't conceal the blush on his face this time, he quickly took a swig from his bottle. Angeldust chuckled and sipped his own drink.

Angeldust was unfortunately called into work by Valentino. They're short staffed so Angeldust had to come in. He would be pissed if he didn't already have two days off.

"Yes Val. I'll be there in an hour. No I can't be there sooner it's an hour walk from here. Yes I'm leaving now. Yes, uh-huh, yep. bye." Angeldust hung up.

"Ya leavin'?" Husk asked.

Angeldust nodded. "Unfortunately." He kissed Husker on the cheek again and downed his drink. "I'll be back later. Don't miss me too much." He winked.

Husk smirked to himself but still rolled his eyes at the cockiness of Angeldust. The demon walked out of the lobby and in the direction of the studio.

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