Twenty Seven

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The pair sat on the bed, slowly inching their faces closer to each other's until their lips finally met. Their tongues explored each other's mouths as the kiss heated up. Angel started trailing kisses down Husk's neck.

"A-angel." His breathing hitched and his voice broke. Angel immediately stopped and pulled away.

"Sorry." He asked.

"Don't be." Husk assured.

Angeldust smirked, cupping Husk's face, and roughly brushed his lips against the other demon's again.
Husk's eyes widened but kissed back just as passionately. The kiss was getting sloppy, one of Husk's paws were in Angel's hair the other rested right on his back. All of Angel's hands were ruffled in the fur of Husker's back causing the cat demon to pur into the kiss.

They two parted. There was a long silence that was broken by Husk.

"It's not that I don't want to. Please don't think it's like that." He stated awkwardly. He didn't want Angel thinking he just wasn't into him like that, because clearly it wasn't the case.

"You've been through a lot of shit, and I don't want to rush into anything, for your sake." Husk stated. "You deserve to know what love is supposed to feel like." Husk assured.

Husk hasn't been in love in a very long time, but he knows he loves the spider. Angel's not used to someone taking time to know him. Most people in Angel's life only liked what he had to offer. The lust in their eyes only fueled by his occupation. Not his personality, or anything else about him. It wasn't ever real. It's hard for Husk to wear his heart in his sleeve, but for Angel, being vulnerable was worth it the risks.

A smile formed on the pornstars face. It was a nice change from demons basically throwing themselves at him. He quickly placed his lips on Husk's who happily kissed back.

"I love you." They said in unison, before kissing again.

The next day

Husk was already gone when Angel woke up. He went to his room and got dressed, fed his piglet. He knew today was gonna be rough considering his span of absence. He did a line of coke before he, went downstairs. Leaving the hotel early for work. He hoped that being early would make Val less pissy.

"Look who decided to show up!" The moth in question spat as Angel walked through the door.

"Where the fuck have you been?! Why haven't you returned my calls!?" He yelled.

Angeldust didn't answer. He didn't care right now.

"Fucking answer me!" Val smacked him across the face, harder than he's ever done before. It knocked Angel off his feet. Everyone in the area gasped.

"Yo what the fuck!?" Velvette asked looking up from her phone.

"I'm fine!" Angeldust stated standing up and dusting himself off and wiping the blood from his nose. He went to his dressing room and got ready for the shoot.

Charlie and Vaggy were at the hotel working through redemption exercises with the new guests, while Husk was still out with Alastor.

Angel's day was exactly as he expected, he was glad, his high was numbing the pain from the abuse he endured after every take, but he was dreading the car ride home, with Husk. He had just went on break going into his dressing room. He grabbed his phone of the table.

Speak of the devil, and apparently he text you.

♠️♥️ Whiskers ♣️♦️

I'm not gonna be back before you get off. Please be careful xx

Angeldust assured him he'd be fine. Husk wasn't in a position where, he could respond so the conversation ended there. Angeldust went back to the set once his break was over and finished out the rest of his day.  He was no longer high, he realized just how much everything hurt on the walk back to the hotel.

The walk took him much longer than normal considering how much pain he was in, his vision was blurry from the black eye, but he made it to the hotel just fine. Husk still wasn't back yet, so he walked through the lobby.

"Shit Angel what the fuck!?" Vaggy asked concern evident in his voice.

"I'm fine." He assured taking a wobbly step. towards the stairs.

"Cut the shit Angel." She leaned forward to steady him.

Charlie walked into the lobby from the hallway. "Shit!" She rushed towards them. "Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, just fine." He lied, knowing they wouldn't buy it anyway.

"Is this the shit your boss does?!" Vaggy asked.

"Well, yeah." Angeldust stated.


"Look, I'm going to go to bed, Just let Husk know I'm here, whenever he gets back" Angel stated walking unsteadily upstairs, holding the railing for balance. The girls watched him making sure he was alright, they didn't look away til he got to his room.

Angel removed most of his clothes, and laid on his bed, going back to sleep. Fat Nuggets was resting on the foot of the bed.ñ

An hour or so went by before Husk and Alastor arrived at the hotel. Husk had a nice case of booze with him this time.

"Hey, did Angel make it back yet?" He asked the girls.

"He's in his room." Vaggy stated. He nodded in response, looking at Al for approval. Alastor waved him off, so he wandered upstairs carrying his case of alcohol.

He knocked on his door. "Angel?"

"Hmm?" Angel groaned getting off his bed groggily slowly walking over, and opening the door. He gently wiped the tired from his eyes.

"Fuck! I'm sorry." Husk apologized.

"It's fine, just come in." Angel stated walking back over to his bed, laying down.  Husk walked into the room, placed his case of booze by the door and shut it, he joined Angel on his bed.

"You look like shit." He stated. The room was dim but he could still see fairly well.

"Feel like it to." Angel choked, before carefully leaning into Husk's chest as the cat laid down, going right back to sleep.

Husker sighed and just rubbed Angel's back  gently, before he fell asleep too.


Extra update cause I can finally share this song I've had access to since February it finally dropped today. It may be because I binged Hazbin before I listened to the song, but I am convinced this is about Husk and Angel and nothing will Change my mind go support my boy please he deserves it

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