Sixty Eight

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In the morning Emily called to set up a meeting in the building down in hell with Charlie and the guest she's chosen, so she could introduce herself properly, and to pick a date for Adam, Lute and Sera to come down.

"Later this week should be fine, I'll let them know immediately" Charlie agreed.

"Awesome thanks Charlie, keep up the great work." Emily said before hanging up.

Charlie knew Angel wouldn't be awake yet but she went down stairs to the bar to inform Husk.

She sat at the bar ordering some fruity cocktail. "Good morning."

"Morning." Was all Husk said back.

"Soo, I got a date for when you three with be touring heaven if you could just let Angel and Cherri know when they come down?" She asked.

Husk nodded.

"Still don't understand why ya picked me." Husk admitted, sipping his booze.

Charlie took a sip of the drink Husk poured for her.  "You can deny all the progress you've made, and how much you changed all you want, but everyone sees it Husk. You're less grumpy. You even drink less. Still an astronomical amount, but noticably less." She stated.

Husk rolled his eyes.

"Don't make me any better of a person." Husk stated downing the rest of the bottle.

Charlie sipped her drink.

"You really wanna go there?" She asked.
"Alright, let's see. Getting Angel out of his deal makes you a better person. Loving him unconditionally, dispite how many times you say you have no ability to do so. Need I continue?" She asked.

Husk sighed and hung his head. "No."

"Good talk. Have fun on Thursday." She stated before finishing her drink and skipping away.

About two hours went by before Angel came down the stairs, he sat at the bar.

"Hey." Was all he said to his boyfriend.

"Morning baby." Husk greeted. "Oh apparently the heaven thing is Thursday."

"Okay." Was all Angel said. "All I know is if that bitch says anything about me imma kill her."

"Angel do even know her name?" Husk asked.

"No and I don't care to. I have a name and she called me some crack whore!" The spider was very upset about it.

"Anthony it's not that serious." Husk assured sipping his booze.

Angel just groaned.

"I'm not happy about either, but it ain't gonna change anything baby." Husk stated, pouring the spider a drink.

Angel downed it.

His phone vibrated and he looked at it. It was from a number he didn't recognize.

Husk raised an eyebrow, at the spider who looked at his phone in confusion.

"Everything good?" Husk asked.

Angel nodded, and showed Husk the strange message.

"Could it be that asshole you worked for?" Husk asked.

Angel shrugged. "I blocked his number though."

"Could he have gotten a new one?" Husk wondered.

Angel shrugged again.

He typed a message back, asking who it was.

The other person typed an ominous message back but the moth gave himself away by calling him Angel-Cakes.

Angel blocked the number.

"It was him?" Husk inquired.

Angel nodded. "Still wants me to work for him."

Angel's demeanor changed, he picked up his drink, and took a sip.

"Whatcha thinkin, Tony?" Husk asked.

Angel just shrugged. "It's stupid."

"You wanna go back?" Husk asked, with an eyebrow raised.

"NO! No." Angel yelled than adjusted his tone. "I don't know, maybe he changed."

"Baby, a person like that don't change. He has no reason to." Husk rationalized.

"You said that bout yourself before, but you still did." Angel reminded.

"Yeah cause I found a fuckin reason." Husk crossed his arms.

Angel raised an eyebrow. "You did?"

Husk put his bottle down, and facepalmed "YOU! Dumbass!"

"Ohhhh!" Angel giggled after realizing.

"You're lucky you're cute, babe." Husk stated patting the spider's head.

Angel pretended to be upset.


Sorry it's short it's filler cause I don't wanna just jump to the exciting bit but I am having bad writers block.

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